| ![]() MIL-R-45979
3 . 2 Materials, construction and design. Rifles shall conform to
t h e materials, construction and design requirements specified herein, on
Drawing J7790476 and in MIL-W-13855.
3 . 2 . 1 Barrel and receiver assembly. The barrel shall be assembled
and aligned to the receiver in the position specified on Drawing F7791363.
3 . 2 . 1 . 1 B a r r e l . The barrel shall be so fabricated that when the
r i f l e is completely assembled, the requirements for targeting and
a c c u r a c y hereinafter prescribed shall be met. The barrel shall be free
of cracks and seams and the bore and chamber shall be free of foreign
Burrs and
m a t t e r , corrosion, burrs, pits, bulges and deformations.
sharp edges shall be removed from chamber edges. Scratches or marks
occurring in a chamber which otherwise meets the surface roughness
requirements shall be permitted provided they do not cause marks on the
c a s e of a high-pressure test cartridge fired in the chamber. The barrel
shall be proof and magnetic particle inspection marked in accordance with
Drawing F7791362.
3 . 2 . 1 . 2 C a r t r i d g e c l i p guide. T h e cartridge
clip guide shall be
f a s t e n e d securely to the receiver by the spring pin
so that there is no
relative movement. T h e cartridge clip guide shall
position and retain
the clip to allow recharging of the magazine without
removing the magazine
from the rifle.
3 . 2 . 1 . 3 Connector locking pin. The connector locking pin shall be
r e t a i n e d in the receiver by the flared retaining pin and shall move
t h r o u g h its full range of travel without binding (see Drawing F7791363).
3 . 2 . 1 . 4 Selector shaft lock, selector shaft, and sear release. The
s e l e c t o r shaft lock, selector shaft and sear release shall be assembled
and welded to the receiver in accordance with the applicable drawing.
After assembly and welding, these parts shall be permanently fused to the
r e c e i v e r making them an integral part of the receiver and rendering the
r i f l e incapable of automatic fire. Welded areas shall be touched up
w i t h touch-up materials in accordance with the applicable drawing and
3 . 2 . 2 Bedding of receiver and trigger housing. The receiver and
t h e trigger housing shall bear on the stock and stock liner contact
s u r f a c e s and shall grip the stock securely so that there is no relative
movement. The periphery of the rear end of the receiver shall be com-
p l e t e l y seated so that there is no overhang of the stock.
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