| ![]() MIL-R-48233A(MI)
* 6.3.2 Contractor designs. Contractor designs are required for all
inspection equipment for which SIE designs are not specified, and
may include commercial equipment which the contractor proposes to
(Commercial equipment is defined as unmodified equipment
which is cataloged and available for purchase by the general
public) . Contractor designs shall include appropriate operating
instructions, calibration procedures and maintenance procedures.
Commercial equipment shall be fully described by cataloging listings
or other means which provide sufficient information to permit
identification and evaluation by the Government, and may include
illustrations and engineering data. Designs shall be prepared for
any special fixture(s) required to be used with commercial equip-
ment, or with SIE designs if not otherwise covered thereby (see
6.3.1.c). Designs shall be of the level (per MIL-D-1000) specified
in the Contract Data Requirements Lists DD Form 1423) . Th e
contractor is referred to MIL-HDBK-204, "Inspection Equipment Design"
for guidance. The specification number and the applicable five-digit
code number (or other specific identifying information) from Section 4
of this specification shall be referenced on each contractor design,
together with the component or assembly drawing number and revision
letter to which the specific design applies.
6.3.3 Submission of designs for approval. Contractor designs shall
be approved by the Government prior to fabricating or procuring the
equipment. Designs shall be submitted for approval in accordance
with the stipulations, time frame and distribution specified in the
Contract Data Requirements List (DD Form 1423) or in the contract.
Partial submission of inspection equipment designs is permissible and
encouraged. However, the completion date for design review will be
based on the date of the final submission of designs.
* 6.4 Submission of first article sample. Instructions as to the
submission and location for testing and evaluation of the first
article sample shall be obtained from the Contracting Officer.
All inquiries should be forwarded to the address specified in the
6.5 Definitions.
6.5.1 Contractor. Unless otherwise specified, the word "Contractor",
used throughout this specification, shall mean any supplier or
producer of items or material to the Government. This shall include
commercial contractors, sub-contractors, Government-Owned, Contractor-
Operated, (GOCO) and Government-Owned, Government-Operated (GOGO)
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