| ![]() MIL-R-50263A (PA)
3.4.9 M429 Proximity Fuze Parameters.-The M429 shall
function between ground level and 7,62 meters above ground,
initiating an acceptable function of the attached warhead.
The minimum functioning time (from To) shall be 1.100 seconds.
3.4.10 H. E. Warhead Function. -H.E. loaded warheads (M151
& M229) shall detonate high order prior to ground impact when
mated with an M429 fuze or upon ground impact when mated with
either a M423 or M427 fuze. Also, M247 HE Warhead shall
function high order upon target or ground impact.
3.4.11 White Phosphorous (WP) Warhead Functioning.-The
WP warhead (M156) shall detonate prior to ground impact when
mated with an M429 fuze or upon ground impact when mated with
either a M423 or M427 fuze. Detonation shall disperse the WP
filler such that a large white cloud is produced.
3.4.12 XM255 Warhead Functioning Parameters.-With the fuze
set at one-thousand (1000) meters, the warhead shall function
during the flight of the rocket as evidenced by the expulsion of
flechettes and three (3) functioning tracers from the warhead.
The correlated nominal time of functioning (from To) shall not
be less than 2.000 seconds, nor more than 2.330 seconds (see
paragraph 4.5.4). The function time is the time from first.
motion of the round to first motion of the ogive from the warhead.
3.4.13 Motor Blow. -There shall be no rupture of motor
tube from ignition to motor burnout.
3.5 Maximum Diameter. -Each warhead and each-motor shall be
capable of passing through a ring gage of 2.792 inch diameter.
3.6 Functional Straightness. -Each complete rocket shall
be capable of passing through a gage 50.100 + .025 inches
long, 2.7952 + .0020 inches in width or diameter, and straight
within .0020 inches total.
3.7 XM255 Warhead With Fuze XM439 Charge Circuit Resistance
Test .-The resistance of the charge circuit shall be between 230
ohms minimum and 3300 ohms maximum when measured with a negative
DC pulse, The pulse amplitude across the 10 megohm resistor mini-
mum shall be -5.0 VDC maximum in amplitude and 120 microsecond
maximum in duration. Pulse amplitude across the 2 ohm resistor
shall be -0.020 VDC maximum in amplitude and 120 microseconds
in duration.
3,8 First Article Inspection. -This specification makes
provisions for First Article Inspection. Requirements for the
submission of First Article samples by the contractor shall be
as specified in the contract.
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