| MIL-R-50263A (PA)
Item Description - Complete title of item.
Program - Fill in appropriate data.
Complete Round Lot Number - As shown on the warhead
or data card (LOP-276-42).
Motor Lot Number - As shown on the rocket motor
tube or data card (MCA 6-64).
Warhead Lot Number - As shown on the warhead or
data card (MIS 1-15).
Fuze Lot Number - As shown on the fuze body or
data card (HAM 13-4).
Launcher type - State model number or type of launcher.
Launcher Q.E. - State the quadrant elevation angle at
which the rounds were fired.
Location - Location of the test.
Pad Number - The pad number from which the rockets
were fired.
Test Date - Date of test (9 April 1972).
Operator - Names of operating personnel.
Video Tape - Fill in
Tape Recording Speed - Recording speed shown in CMPS.
Time Code Format - So indicate.
Time to 1st Motion - Reported in milliseconds (19).
Time to IR - Reported in milliseconds (65).
Velocity at IR - Reported in meters per second (25).
Time to Motor Burnout - Reported in seconds (1.530).
Motor Burnout Velocity - Reported in meters per second (575).
Burnout Range - Reported in meters (520).
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