| ![]() MIL-R-50749(Mu)
8 August 1973
3. 3.2.4 Vibration "B". The range finder shall show no physical
failure and shallt meet the requirements of 3..3.1. 6b,, and through at ambient temperature after being exposed
to the following vibratory conditions.
1/64 inch constant
(1/32 inch double amplitude)
Vibratory motion:
Simple harmonic
5 to 55 to 5 Hertz in a 5-minute
Sweep time:
Vibration cycling:
Three linear or logarithmic sweeps
applied to each of the three mutu.
ally perpendicular axes.
3. 3.2.5 Shock. The range finale r shall meet the requirements
of 3.3.l.6b, 3. 3.1.8 and through after exposure to
a total of 15 shock impulses, three in each direction along the three
mutually perpendicular axis, except the one vertical plane (direction 12
to 6 o'clock with the receive-r-transmitter in normal operating position).
Each shock impulse shall be a half-sine wave with time duration of 3.5
+ 0. 5 msec and a peak amplitude of 100g.
3. 3.2.6 Humidity. The range finale r shall show no damage or
deterioration which will impair performance after exposure to conditions
of high relative humidity at an elevated temperature as specified in
Method 507, Procedure I of MIL-STD-810 and shall meet the requirements
of 3.3. 1.3, and 3.3. 1.8 while exposed to the conditions specified in
Method 507, Procedure 1, step 7 of MIL-STD-810.
3.3. 2.7. Altitude. The rangefinder shall show no damage or
deterioration which will impair performance after exposure to conditions
of high altitude (low pressure) as specified in Method 500, Procedure I
of MIL-STD-810 except that step 2 altitude limit shall be 10, 000 feet and
in step 3 change increase to maintain. The total exposure time for
Procedure 1 shall be 5 hours. During exposure to the conditions of Step 3,
the rangefinder shall meet the requirements of 3. 3.1.3
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