| ![]() MIL-R-50749(MU)
8 August 1973
4.6,22 Battery low indicator test. Set the LASER MODE
CONTROL switch to the ON or TEST position. Connect A77J5-E to
A77J5-e. Observe the battery low indicator to determine compliance
4.6.23 Drive train torque and backlash test%
N O T E : The tests in and may be performed
at the unit level or only with the receiver-transmitter
and receiver-transmitter control.
4.6.23. 1 Azimuth test. Apply starting torque to the azimuth
positioning knob of the receiver transmitter control. Monitor the move-
ment of the scan prism (optically or mechanically). Verify that the
requirements of 3. are met, Elevation test. Apply starting torque to the elevation
positioning knob of the receiver-transmitter control. Monitor the move-
ment of the scan prism (optically or mechanically). Verify that the
requirements of 3. are met.
4.6.24 PFN discharge time test. Connect a microammeter be.
tween pins t(+) and e(-) on test access connector J5 on the laser Power
Supply Control (1 1738831). Remove the power source (item 1.1 of table "
II) by setting the LASER MODE CONTROL switch to the OFF position.
Measure the PFN current decrease to determine comliance with
4.6.25 Environmental tests.
NOTE: Environmental testing of the separate components, assem-
blies, and units,including sparea, of the fire control range-
finder shall not be required when the range finder is tested
as a fire control rangefinder subsystem as specified herein.
4.6.25. 1 Temperature tests. The test apparatus shall be in
accordance with the applicable test facilities provisions of MIL-F-I3926.
except that assemblies `or units may be mounted on the inside surface of
the test chamber. Perform this test in accordance with Procedure I of
MIL-F-13926, with conditions C (-40" F) and E (+125 F) with an additional
operating condition at -20 F, and with the rate of temperature change
during cycling greater than 8 Fo per minute. Perform the tests of
4.6.4,, and 4. 6.9 at -40 F and +125F, and the test of
at -20F to determine compliance with Perform the tests of
4.6.4,, 4.6.9, and 4.6.16 through 4.6.24 at ambient temperature
after exposure to and thermal stabilization at -80" F and +160 F to deter-
mine compliance with
4. 6.25.2 Vibration "A" test. , Perform this test utilizing the ap-
paratus sepecified in Method 514.1 of MIL-STD-810 and in accordance with
Procedure VIII therein except the vibratory condition of 3. 3.2.3
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