| ![]() MIL-R-5757H Group A inspection. Group A inspection shall consist of the inspections specified in table II. A1, A2, and A4 tests. The A1, A2, and A4 tests shall be performed on a production lot basis
on 100 percent of the product supplied under this specification, except as noted. Relays that do not
meet specification requirements of these groups shall be removed from the lot. Sampling plan. The tests in A1, A2, and A4 shall be performed on each relay offered for
inspection, except as noted. Rejected lots. Relays that do not meet the requirements of the tests in A1 and A4 shall be
rejected and shall be removed from the lot. If more than 5 percent of the relays are discarded during A2
testing, the production lot shall be rejected and not offered for reinspection. A3 tests. Sampling plan. Two samples shall be selected randomly from each inspection lot and
subjected to the A3 solderability test. If there are one or more defects, the lot shall be considered to
have failed. Relays failing the A2 electrical tests, or rejected for other criteria which will not influence
solderability, may be used for solderability testing. All rejected relays used as samples must accompany
the acceptable relays through all processing environments. The rejected relays shall be marked in a
definite manner in order to preclude mixing with acceptable parts. Rejected lots. In the event of one or more defects, the inspection lot is rejected. The
manufacturer may use one of the following options to rework the lot:
a. Each production lot that was used to form the failed inspection lot shall be individually submitted
to the solderability test as required in 4.6.4. Production lots that pass the solderability test are
acceptable for shipment after successful completion of group A4. Production lots failing the
solderability test may be reworked as described in and
b. The manufacturer submits the failed lot to a 100 percent solder dip using an approved solder dip
process in accordance with Two additional samples shall be selected and subjected to
the solderability test with zero defects allowed. If the lot fails this solderability test, the lot shall
be rejected and shall not be furnished against the requirements of this specification.
The manufacturer may submit the failed lot to a strip and replate process followed by a complete
group A inspection. The reworked lot shall be considered a new lot for the purpose of the 5
percent requirement of A2. If the lot fails this solderability test, the lot shall be rejected and shall
not be furnished against the requirements of this specification.
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