| ![]() MIL-R-5757H
e. For group A testing, only one cycle shall be performed over the frequency range of 100 Hz to
3,000 Hz unless otherwise specified (see 3.1). The relay shall be vibrated in the direction of
contact motion. At the option of the manufacturer, the relay production lot may be divided in
three equal groups and each group shall be tested in one of three mutually perpendicular axes (X,
Y, and Z). When relays are tested as specified in the optional procedure, a failure of any relay in
any axis shall require 100 percent inspection of all relays in the production lot in each axis. For all
contact forms except contact form "A", the cycle shall consist of 3 minutes up with the coil
energized with rated voltage (or current) and 3 minutes down with coil de-energized. The cycle
for form contact "A" shall consist of 3 minutes up with the coil de-energized and 3 minutes down
with the coil energized.
f. Examination after test: Prior to removal from test fixture and without disturbing the relay, apply
maximum over the temperature range pickup voltage value (see 3.1) to the coil, and then verify
that relay contacts transfer. Remove coil voltage (or current), and then verify that relay contacts
transfer. Failure of relay contacts to transfer shall be cause for rejection. After removal from test
fixture, the relays shall then be inspected for evidence of structural failure or other damage which
might impair the operation of the relay. Vibration (random). Relays shall be tested in accordance with method 214 of MIL-STD-202.
The following details and exceptions shall apply:
a. Method of mounting: As specified in 4.6.10a.
b. Electrical-load conditions: For qualification and group C inspections, relays shall be tested with
the coil energized at rated voltage (or current) for 15 minutes and with the coil de-energized for 15
minutes, in each of three mutually perpendicular (x, y, and z) directions. When applicable to
group A inspection, the test time shall be 3 minutes for each state described above. Contacts
shall be monitored as specified in
c. Test condition: IG (0.4 G /Hz, 23.91 rms G).
d. Tests during vibration: As specified in 4.6.10d.
e. Examination after test: As specified in
4.6.12 Acceleration (unless otherwise specified, see 3.1 and 3.14). Relays shall be tested in
accordance with method 212 of MIL-STD-202. The following details and exceptions shall apply:
a. Mounting of specimens: As specified in 4.6.10a.
b. Test conditions: Test condition A, 17 G's, unless otherwise specified (see 3.1) (acceleration shall
be applied in each direction along three mutually perpendicular axes (x, y, and z) of the
specimen; one axis shall be in the direction most likely to cause malfunction). In each direction,
the coil shall be de-energized for 5 minutes, rated coil voltage (or current) shall be momentarily
applied; and the voltage or current shall be reduced to the maximum ambient pickup voltage as
specified (see 3.1) for 5 minutes.
c. Examination after test: As specified in 4.6.10e.
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