| ![]() MIL-R-60040C(PA)
4.4.3 Testing. Moisture content (all packing material) Major A
defect (see dwg 8860600). - The contractor shall provide
adequate controls to assure compliance with the requirements.
For verification the contractor shall select, as a minimum,
one sample of each material as representative of each months
production of flare racks. Composite samples shall not be
used. If the moisture content of a sample exceeds the allow-
able limit, that quantity or sub-lot of material represented
by the sample shall be rejected. If material from a sub-lot
with excessive moisture has been used in loading, all assemblies
containing the non-conforming material shall be rejected..
Test shall be performed as specified 4.5.4, using equipment
in accordance with 4.4.4.
*4.4.4 Inspection equipment. - The inspection equipment
required to perform the inspections and tests prescribed in
this specification is identified in the `Paragraph Reference/
Inspection Method' column in the tables starting with paragraph, and the test method paragraphs (see 4.5). The con-
tractor shall submit for approval, inspection equipment designs
in accordance with the terms of the contract. See Section
6 of MIL-A-48078, and section 6.3 herein.
4.5 Test methods and procedures.
4.5.1 Continuity. - A test fixture shall be assembled
to the connector and to the contact for each circuit. This
is a non-destructive test.
4.5.2 Insulation resistance. - A test fixture shall be
assembled to the connector and to the circuit tested.
* Procedure. - The flare rack CY2617/ALA-17
with approximately 32 pounds of inert cartridges (see 6.5)
shall be fastened in an ejector set, flare AN/ALE-20 with a
torque of 140 inch pounds, plus 10 inch pounds for all
vibration tests. Where feasible, the flare rack with ejector
set assembly shall be tested with the airplane mounting
brackets. Otherwise a rigid test installation shall be made.
Under no circumstances shall the freedom-of movement of the
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