| ![]() MIL-R-60346C
G filament
Class 1 - Sizing system compatible with epoxy resin.
Type IV - General purpose high tensile strength ″S″ glass.
G filament
Class 1 - Sizing system compatible with epoxy resin.
Class 2 - Sizing system compatible with polyester.
Roving yield (applicable to all types, filament code designations and classes)
as specified (see 3.1.4).
2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on date of invitation for
bids or request for proposal, form a part of this specification to the extent
specified herein.
Federal specifications
PPP-B-585 - Boxes, Wood, Wirebound.
PPP-B-601 - Boxes, Wood, Cleated-Plywood.
PPP-B-636 - Box, Fiberboard
(Activities outside the Federal Government may obtain copies of Federal
specifications, standards, and commercial item descriptions as outlined under
General Information in the Index of Federal Specifications, Standards and
Commercial Item Descriptions. The Index, which includes cumulative bimonthly
supplements as issued, is for sale on a subscription basis by the
Superintendent of Documents, US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC
(Single copies of this specification, other Federal specifications and
commercial item descriptions required by activities outside the Federal
Government for bidding purposes are available without charge from General
Services Administration Business Service Centers in Boston; New York;
Washington, DC; Philadelphia; Atlanta; Chicago; Kansas City, MO; Fort Worth;
Houston; Denver; San Francisco; Los Angeles; and Seattle, WA.)
(Federal Government activities may obtain copies of Federal specifications,
standards, and commercial item descriptions, and the Index of Federal
Specifications, Standards and Commercial Item Descriptions from established
distribution points in their agencies.)
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