| ![]() MIL-R-60346C
4.3.9 Package density . One density determination is made for each ball
(package) in the sample from the lot being tested. Density is determined by
measuring inside diameter to the nearest 1/16 inch with a steel rule, outside
diameter to the nearest 1/16 inch with a circumference tape (or steel rule),
length to the nearest 1/16 inch with a steel rule and ball (package) weight to
the nearest 0.1 pound and calculating the following:
1.27 X weight______
length (do - di )
where D = package (ball density, lbs/cubic inch
do = outside diameter, inches
di = inside diameter, inches
Report to the nearest 0.001 pounds/cubic inch.
Application: The requirements of section 5 apply only to purchase by, or
direct shipment, to the Government.
5.1 Preservation and packaging .
Preservation and packaging shall be level A
or C, as specified (see 6.2).
Level A. Unit packaging. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or
purchase order (see 6.2) roving balls shall be packaged in quantities specified
by the procuring activity in accordance with the method III of MIL-P-116.
Each ball of type III roving shall be wrapped in polyethylene or other
material providing adequate protection. Except for type I roving balls, a
rigid pad, larger than the roving ball and containing a metal core plug,
shall be placed against each end of the wrapped roving ball with plugs press
fitted tightly into the ball core. The roving ball shall be supported by its
core in the end pads.
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