| ![]() MIL-R-63322A(R)
4.1 Responsibility for inspection and standard quality
assurance provisions. Unless otherwise specified herein or in the
contract, the provisions of MIL-R-83401 shall apply and are hereby
made a part of this specification.
4.2 Classification of inspections. The following types of
inspection shall be conducted on this item:
First Article Inspection
Quality Conformance Inspection
4.3 First article inspection.
4.3.1 Submission. The contractor shall submit a first article
sample as designated by the Contracting Officer for evaluation in
accordance with provisions of 4.3.2. the first article sample shall
consist of sixty (60) resistor networks.
4.3.2 Inspections to be performed. First article inspection
shall be performed by the supplier, after award of contract and
prior to production, at a location acceptable to the Government (see
6.3). It shall be performed on sample units which have been
produced with equipment and procedures normally used in production.
See Table II specified herein.
4.3.3 Rejection. If any resistor network fails to comply with
any of the applicable requirements, the first article sample shall
be rejected. The Government reserves the right to terminate its
inspection upon any failure of a resistor network in the sample, to
comply with any of the stated requirements.
4.3.4 Requalification. The resistor network shall be subjected
to another first article if:
a. The contractor's manufacturing techniques or process
controls which affect form, fit, function or internal geometry of
the device are revised by either contractor or one of his
sub-contractors supplying parts or material.
The contractor relocates his manufacturing facilities.
c. The contractor uses a new sub-contractor for material,
parts or assembly.
A change in material used for resistor network process or
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