| ![]() MIL-R-63997B(AR) Ejector.
The ejector shall be retained in the bolt
by the ejector pin and shall be held in the forward position by
the ejector spring.
The ejector shall move through its full range
of travel under spring action without binding in the bolt and
shall eject cartridge cases completely out of the rifle when the
rifle is function fired or manually operated.
When fully
depressed, the ejector pin shall be flush with or below the
cartridge seat in the bolt. Cam pin.
The cam pin shall be retained in the bolt
assembly by the firing pin.
The cam pin shall move through its
full range of travel in the bolt carrier without binding.
The cam
pin shall be capable of being removed from the bolt carrier
without removal of the bolt carrier key assembly.
T h e cam pin
shall be capable of being disassembled from the bolt and bolt
carrier assembly and reassembled 1800 about its vertical axis
from its original position without causing binding in the assembly.
3.4.1 Head space.
The head space shall not be less than
1.4646 inches nor more than 1.4706 inches when measured to the
.330 inch datum diameter on the first shoulder of the chamber.
Testing shall be as specified in, TABLE III.
3.4.2 Firing pin indent.
When the bolt is closed and the
firing mechanism is released, the firing pin indent shall be not
less than 0.020 inch.
The firing pin indent shall not be
off-center more than one half the maximum diameter of the indent.
When, in a vertical, muzzle down position, the bolt carrier
assembly is released from the full recoil position and the firing
mechanism is not actuated, the firing pin indent shall not be more
that 0.008 inch.
Testing shall be as specified in, TABLE
3.4.3 Trigger pull.
The trigger pull shall be free of creep
and shall be within the range of 5.5 to 9.5 pounds.
Creep shall
be interpreted to mean any perceptible rough movement between the
time the trigger slack is taken up and the hammer is released.
After partial or completed trigger pull, the trigger shall return
to its normal forward position (cocked and uncocked) under spring
Testing shall be specified in, TABLE III.
3.4.4 Hiqh pressure resistance.
Each barrel assembly and
bolt shall withstand the firing of one Government standard M197,
5.56mm high pressure test cartridge conforming to MIL-C-46936.
After proof firing, parts shall be free of cracks, seams and other
injurious defects as evidenced by visual and magnetic particle
Testing shall be specified in, TABLE III.
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