| MIL-R-63997B(AR)
In the event of any failure of bolt to lock malfunction,
Failure of the
the forward assist assembly shall be operated.
forward assist assembly to remain engaged with the bolt carrier
assembly during manual attempt to lock bolt shall be considered an
additional malfunction in the category of "other malfunctions".
Other parts shall be limited
to trigger spring, disconnect
springs, hammer spring, extractor
pin and extractor.
0ther malfunctions include, but are not limited to:
occurrence of doubling (two shots fired with a single trigger
pull) during semi-automatic firing; failure to immediately stop
firing when the trigger is released (uncontrolled fire) during
b u r s t f i r i n g ; failure to fire three (3) shots on a complete
trigger pull in burst mode other than in the first trigger pull
(when fresh magazine is inserted or when selector is switched to
" B U R S T" ) o r l a s t t r i g g e r p u l l ( w h e n m a g a z i n e i s e m p t i e d ) ; a n d
failure of forward bolt assist assembly to remain engaged with
bolt carrier assembly during manual attempt to lock the bolt, etc.
Minimum life rounds is defined as the minimum service life
of an individual part, whether it is the original part or a
replacement part, expressed in the number of weapon rounds fired
For each example, an extractor
with the part assembled in the weapon.
spring failing prior to firing 2,OO0 rounds on a new rifle, has
The failure shall be recorded
not met the minimum life rounds.
and shall be cause for test failure.
The allowable number of serviceable parts shown for 4
rifles combined applies only to parts failing after the minimum
For example, ejector
life rounds have been fired on the weapon.
springs failing at 3,500 rounds on one rifle, and 4100 rounds on a
second rifle, fall within the allowable limits of 2 unserviceable
parts on 4 rifles combined however, f a i l u r e o f a n e j e c t o r s p r i n g
on a third rifle after firing 3,000 rounds which exceeds the
allowance, shall be cause for test failure.
Each individual rifle tested shall not exceed the allowable
number for each malfunction in the list or the test shall have
When the rifle meets the individual allowable
malfunctions and exceeds the cumulative total allowable
malfunctions for a rifle, the test shall have failed.
combined four rifles tested shall not exceed the allowable number
for each malfunction in the list or the test shall have failed.
When the rifles meet the combined four rifles allowable
malfunctions in the list and exceed the cumulative total allowable
malfunctions for four rifles, the test shall have failed.
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