| ![]() MIL-R-63997B(AR)
4 . 7 . 4 . 4 P r o o f m a r k i n g s . Proof marks and magnetic particle
inspection marks shall be applied on barrel assemblies and bolts
that have passed this t e s t .
4 . 7 . 5 Function firing test. This test shall be performed
during individual rifle testing in accordance with TABLE III, and
shall be accomplished with the rifles held in a Government
approved firing stand simulating shoulder firing. The ammunition
used on this test shall be as specified in 3.4.5, except that the
ammunitionused in semi-automatic firing shall be as specified in
The rifles shall be prepared for firing Lubrication.
using lubricant in accordance with MIL-L-63460 (CLP). Apply a.
light coat of oil to all surfaces of the bolt carrier group.
Apply one drop of oil in each hole on the right side of the bolt
( D o not
carrier and in the open end of the bolt carrier key.
Apply a
apply excessive oil in the bolt firing pin recess.)
moderate coat of oil on all firing mechanism components in lower
P r e - f i r i n g . T h e rifle shall be given
examination to assure that no safety hazard exists.
4 . 7 . 5 . 3 F i r i n q p r o c e d u r e . The selector lever of the rifle
shall be set in "SAFE" position and shall be checked to assure
that the rifle cannot be fired.
The selector lever shallbe set on Burst firing.
The rifle shall be fired using a fully
"BURST" for burst firing.
loaded 30 round magazine by pulling the trigger and holding
The first trigger pull shall fire
rearward until it stops firing.
Each successive trigger pull shall fire
one, two or three rounds.
three (3) rounds as long as the trigger is held fully rearward
T h e last trigger pull when
during the entire three round burst.
the magazine is emptied shall be a one two or three round burst.
Failure of the rifle to produce a three round burst on any trigger
pull other than the first or last shall be cause for rejection and
recorded as malfunction.
4 . 7 . 5 . 3 . 2 Cyclic rate of fire. When rifles are required to
tested for cyclic rate of fire, this test shall be conducted in
conjunction with the burst firing test of The cyclic
rate of fire measurement shall be taken on a three round burst,
ocuring on the fourth or fifth trigger pull when using a 30 round
magazine, while the selector lever is set on "BURST". The cyclic
r a t e of fire shall be measured using a Government approved timing
g a g e and shall be recorded.
4 . 7 . 5 . 3 . 3 Semi-automatic firing.
The selector lever shall be
T e n rounds shall be
for semi-automatic firing.
s e t o n "SEMI"
The semi
simultaneouslly with the target and accuracy test specified in
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