| ![]() MIL-R-63997B(AR) Second retest.
In the event the rifles fail in the
retest, the procedure In shall be followed.
The rifles
shall be retested, by firing three (3) thirty round sequences in
accordance with and and the cyclic rate shall
be recorded.
Rifles shall operate without malfunction or
unserviceable parts and shall meet the cyclic rate of fire
4 . 7 . 5 . 5 . 1 P r o c e s s a v e r a g e The process average for total
r i f l e s t e s t e d f o r f u n c tion
one s h i f t s h a l l n o t
T h i s p r o c e s s a v e r a g e f o r eachshift shall
exceed 2.0% defective.
b e m a i n t a i n e d a n d b e a vailable for Government review Failure classification.
When the process average
exceeds 2.0% defective d u r i n g o n e s h i f t , t h e c o n t r a c t o r s h a l l
review the failure causes for determination of a seriousness,
Class I, II or III malfunction (see 6.5.5). The contractor, in
a d d i t i o n , s h a l l p r o v i d e t h e g o v e r n m e n t r e p r e s e n ta t i v e w i th
objective evidence of his determination. Class II or III malfunction. When the
malfunction cause is classified as Class II or III, the contractor
shall institute corrective action in the manufacturing processes
and associated quality COntrol procedures to preclude recurrence
of the cause and to assure that all rifles and components
containing similar defects are purged from the prime and vendor or
When authorized by the Government
prime or vendor facilities.
representative, this corrective action need not include the
screening of rifles previously tested for function firing.
completion of the preceding the contractor shall recondition the
rejected rifles and retest the rifles as specified in Class I malfunction. When the malfunction is
classified as Class I or the malfunction cause cannot be
determined, the contractor shall correct the rejected rifles and
shall test the first eighty rifles on the following shift by
firing two thirty round sequences in accordance with
When the number of malfunctions occurring during the test of
e i g h t y r i f l e s e x c e e d s o n e , the contractor shall continue function
firing acceptance testing in accordance with until
corrective action has been accomplished to the applicable
manufacturing process or quality assurance procedures or both, as
evidenced by the testing of eighty consecutive rifles with one or
I n the event the malfunction number is one or
less malfunctions.
less during this test, normal function firing testing shall be
resumed for all subsequent rifles submitted during this shift
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