| ![]() MIL-R-63997B( AR) Rejection.
If the retested rifle fails to meet the
requirements for targets, the rifle shall be rejected. If
the rifle fails to meet only the accuracy requirements for one of
the two targets, a ten round complement shall be fired at a third
target. The targets shall be checked to determine that the
average of the extreme spreads for the three targets meets the
accuracy requirements. Second retest. Rifles failing the retest shall
again be corrected by the contractor and the corrective action
recorded. The rifle shall then be retested by firing a ten round
complement at each of three targets. The targets shall be checked
to determine that the average of the extreme spreads for three
targets meets the accuracy requirements. If the retested rifle
fails to meet the requirements for third target, the rifle shall
be rejected. Process control criteria. Process average. The process average for total
rifles tested for targeting and accuracy on one shift shall not
exceed 6.0% defective for each requirement. If 6.0% is exceeded,
the first eighty rifles submitted for testing during the
succeeding shift shall be tested for the requirement that exceeded
the process limit, by firing a ten round complement at each two
targets in accordance with Increased testing. When the number of failures
occurring during the test of eighty rifles exceeds four for either
of the requirements, the contractor shall continue targeting and
accuracy testing in accordance with until corrective
action has been accomplished to the applicable manufacturing
process and quality assurance procedures as evidenced by testing
of 80 consecutive rifles as specified in with four or
less failures. Normal testing In the event four or less failures
occur during the test of eighty rifles, the normal targeting and
accuracy testing shall be resumed for all subsequent rifles
submitted during the shift.
4.7.7 Interchangeability test
q Implant. Rifles. The interchangeability test shall be
performed during inspection lot testing in accordance with TABLE
IV. Rifles shall be tested for interchange of parts by disas-
sembly and reassembly of parts using parts from a prearranged
system specified below. Interchange of parts shall be accom-
plished by dividing the parts of each rifle into 10 groups of
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