| ![]() MIL-R-63997B(AR)
The cyclic rate of fire for
Cyclic rate of fire.
rifles being fired with 30 round magazines shall be
measured and recorded during the second magazine of
the first cycle and the first magazine of every
Cycle rate of fire shall be
ninth cycle thereafter.
measured during the fourth or fifth burst from the
Firing shall be accomplished in
4 . 7 . 8 . 4 F i r i n q procedure-
one (1) firing cycle shall be
50 cycles using 30 round magazines.
Cooling of the barrel shall be to the
as specified in TABLE V.
point that it is capable of being held by the bare hand.
Supplemental cooling is permissible in the hand guard area.
Firing cyclic.
Burst - one complete trigger pull
(3 round
30 rounds
burst) every 5 to 8 seconds.
B u r s t - one complete trigger pull
(3 round
30 rounds
burst ) every 2 to 5 seconds.
Semi-Automatic - rate of 10 to 30
30 rounds
per minute.
Semi-Automatic - rate of 10 to 30
30 rounds
per minute.
120 rounds
During the 18th and 36th Unrestrained firing.
cycles for 30 round magazines? t h e s e m i - a u t o m a t i c f i r i n g s h a l l b e
conducted outside the firing stand by firing the rifle held in the
hands not touching the shoulder and without restraining the normal
recoil of the rifle.
In the event of a failure of the Failure to lock.
bolt to lock, the forward assist assembly shall be operated (see
D u r i n g s e m i - a u t o m a t i c f i r i n gr r i f l e s Doubling.
shall be checked to assure that no doubling occurs (i.e., two
shots fired with a single trigger pull). Doubling shall be
recorded as a malfunction.
No parts shall be altered Replacement of Parts.
during the test. Broken parts that affect function and those
parts that are worn to the extent they are unserviceable (see .6.5)
The contractor shall provide replacement parts
shall be replaced.
as required to complete the test at no additional cost to the
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