| ![]() MIL-R-70503A(AR) Data output. If an external fire control
computer is present, the RMS shall transmit to the computer the
identification of the rocket type the pilot has chosen for firing,
the manually selected penetration range setting, or the manually
selected airburst range setting. Data inputs - fire control computer present. If
an external fire control computer is present, the RMS shall accept
time-of-function data from the fire control computer and shall set
aerial burst and penetration fuzes when the automatic mode is
selected. Data inputs - fire control computer not present.
If an external fire control computer is not present, the
accept range information from a manual input and convert it to
time of flight and then set aerial burst and penetration fuzes. Electrical power. The RMS shall operate in
accordance with MIL-STD-704A, Catagory B, Abnormal Steady State
Level (ASSL) 1. Normal operating voltage shall be 28 Vdc and
average current shall not exceed 3 amperes. Reversal of the
polarity of the primary power supplied to the DU/RMS shall not
cause damage to the OU/RMS components or cause it to produce false
firing or charging signals. There shall be no false outputs from
transients or from application or removal of power. Standby power. Standby power shall be controlled
by the helicopter master arm switch. Arming power. Arming power shall be controlled
by the helicopter master arm switch. Mechanical interface. DU/RMS Interface. The DU/RMS shall be panel
mounted in the pilot's compartment in an area accessible to the
pilot. The panel shall be designed in accordance with MS25212. A
height of 4.5 inches maximum and a length of 7.0 inches maximum is
allowed. The connector plug shall be located in the lower left
hand corner when viewed from the rear to be compatible with the
airframe interface. OU/RMS Interface. Each of the OU/RMS shall be
rigidly mounted in the wing leading edge adjacent to the
launchers. An area 3.2 inches high by 4.2 inches wide by 7.6
inches long may be utilized for each unit.
3.1.3 Major components list. The major components of the RMS
shall be identified as follows: (See Figure 3.)
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