| ![]() MIL-R-81158A(WP)
Take the necessary actions to correct or eliminate the
defect from all units on hand and, if so directed by the
procuring activity, from those units previously shipped.
Submit to the procuring activity for approval, the proposed
corrective action to prevent recurrence of the defect.
Return to Step 1 and proceed as indicated when inspection is resumed.
4.2.3 Acceptance sampling. The tests and examinations detailed in 4.4
shall be conducted on each rear cover to be delivered; therefore, there
shall be no sampling for acceptance. Defective units shall be rejected.
4.3 Test equipment. The following items of test equipment are
required to perform the acceptance tests set forth in this specification.
4.3.1 A continuity checker, NOD NMD/Y or equivalent.
4.3.2 A high potential test set capable of producing ac voltage of
60 cps, continuously variable from O to 3000 volts, and containing a
sensing element to indicate insulation failure and a meter to indicate
terminal voltage.
4.3.3 A megohmmeter capable of mess-.uzing insulation resistance at
500 volts dc and including the range of 0-50 megohms with an accuracy
of 2 percent.
4.3.4 An ohmmeter, AN/USM-21 or equivaelent.
4.4 Acceptance inspections
4.4.1 Each rear cover delivered under contract shall be subjected to
the following tests and examinations. Failure to satisfactorily pass
any test specified. therein shall be considered cause for rejection.
4.4.2 Test conditions. Unless otherwise specified, the rear cover
shall be subjected to acceptance tests under the following conditions: Temperature: Room ambient 65 degrees F to 95 degrees F (18
degrees 0 to 35 degrees C). Altitude:
Normal ground atmospheric pressure. Vibration:
None. Humidity:
Room ambient to 95 percent relative maximum.
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