| ![]() MIL-R-81574(AS)
Qualification inspection - Qualification inspection shall consist
of all tests and examinations listed in this specification.
Qualification inspection samples - The qualification inspection
samples shall consist of two rescue hand tools. The qualification samples shaIl
be forwarded to the Supply Officer, Naval Air Development Center, Johnsville,
Warminster, Pennsylvania 18974, Attention: Director, Aerospace Crew Equip-
ment Department. The samples shall be plainly identified by securely attached dur-
able tags marked with the following information:
Samples for Qualification Inspection
Manufacturer's designation or number
Name of Manufacturer
Submitted by (name) (date) for qualification inspection
in accordance with the requirements of Specification
MIL-R-81574 under authorization (reference authorizing
First article inspection - The first article inspection shall
consist of the following examinations and tests:
Visual examination
Dimensional examination
Proof pressure
First article samples - Unless otherwise specified, as soon
as practicable after award of the contract or order, the manufacture. r shall submit
two rescue hand tools. The samples shall be representative of the construction,
workmanship, components, and materials to be used during production. when a
manufacture r is in continuous production of these rescue hand tools from contract
to contract, submission of further first article inspection samples on the new con-
tract may be waived at the discretion of the procuring activity (see 6. 2). Approval
of the first article inspection sample or the waiving of the first article inspection
does not preclude the requirements for performing the quality conformance in-
spection. The first article inspection samples shall be furnished the Government
as directed by the contracting officer (see 6. 2).
Upon completion of the first article inspection, all the applicable
i n s p e c t i o n reports, and when applicable, recommendations and comments per-
tinent for use in monitoring production shall be forwarded to the cognizant
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