| MIL-R-81939B(AS)
Remove the safety pin or unlock the IFOBRL and rotate the manual release bolt. The store
shall be released.
Repeat d., e. and f. with a 907.2 kilogram (2,000 pound) store on the 762 millimeter (30 inch)
hooks except that the center set of swaybraces shall be adjusted to provide 6.35 millimeters
(0.250 inch) minimum clearance between the store and the swaybrace pads and the aft set of
sway braces shall be tightened.
With the bomb rack cocked and the hooks latched, apply a 88,964 N (20,000 pound) vertical
down static load on the 355.6 millimeter (14 inch) hooks using standard bomb lugs conform-
ing to MS3314. Concentrate the load midway between the hooks, The hooks shall hold load.
Repeat h. with a 133,446.66 N (30,000 pound) load on the 762 millimeter (30 inch) hooks.
Cock the bomb rack and lock the IFOBRL or insert the safety pin, whichever is applicable.
Load the ejector assembly with two applicable impulse cartridges (see 6.2.1l). Install the
ejector assembly in position B and suspend a 113.4 kilogram (250 pound) store from the
355.6 millimeter (14 inch) hooks. Tighten the swaybraces as in e. and adjust the ejector foot
to make contact with the store. Unlock the IFOBRL or remove the safety pin, whichever is
applicable. Apply 28 VDC to the bomb rack, The impulse cartridges shall ignite and the
store shall be ejected. Remove, disassemble, clean and inspect the ejector assembly and
surrounding areas of the bomb rack as indicated in the applicable manuals (see 6.2.lh).
There shall be no damage to the bomb rack.
Repeat j. with two applicable impulse cartridges (see 6.2.11) in the ejector assembly and a
907.2 kilogram (2,000 pound) store suspended from the 762 millimeter (30 inch) hooks.
Tighten swaybraces as in g.
With the ejector assembly removed from the bomb rack, install a MK-19 impulse cartridge
in the auxiliary reiease unit. Cock the bomb rack and lock the IFOBRL or insert the safety
pin, whichever is applicable. Suspend the 907.2 kilogram (2,000 pound) store from the 762
millimeter (30 inch) hooks. Tighten the swaybrace pads as in g. After removing the safety
pin or unlocking the IFOBRL, whichever is applicable, apply 28 VDC to the bomb rack. The
store shall be released, Remove, disassemble, clean and inspect the auxiliary release unit and
surrounding areas of the bomb rack as indicated in the applicable manuals (see 6.2. lb).
There shall be no damage to the bomb rack.
Arming mechanism. A MK-9 or MK-11 bomb arming wire assembly shall be inserted
in the tail and nose arming units of the bomb rack. With each arming unit unenergized, pull each arming
wire slowly, in a vertically downward direction, parallel to the side of the bomb rack. Each arming unit
shall support a 40,03 N (9 pound) load, but release the wire at any load in excess of 57.83 N (13 pounds), A
minimum of three successive measurements shall be obtained on each unenergized arming unit. With each
arming unit energized, pull on each arming wire in the same direction as specified above. Each arming unit
shall support a load of 667.23 N (150 pounds),
Electric fuze arming. The 0 pull-out force for the electric fuze connector assembly and
the pull test fixture shall be in accordance with MI L-C-8 1842. Three successive measurements shall be
made. In addition, the interlock switch shall be verified to be open when the bomb rack is latchcd and
closed when the bomb rack is released.
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