| ![]() MIL-R-8236F
functional positions to the opposite position shall be 10 5 pounds while a 25 pound load is concurrently applied
and sensed through the inertia reel cable/webbing when the handle is being moved from the "manual-locked"
position to the "auto-locked" position. The control handle shall properly switch the inertia reel between
"auto-lock" and "manual-lock" modes when the handle actuation time is 0.125 seconds or longer (see Manual control handle subassembly interchangeability. Manual control handle subassembly (MA-1 type inertia reel) interchangeability. The manual
control handle subassembly for the MA-1 type inertia reel shall conform to the dimensions of Figure 9 and shall be
interchangeable without modification with all QPL MA-1 type inertia reel control handles with no peformamce
degradation below the performance levels specified (see Manual control handle subassembly (MA-2 type inertia reel) interchangeability. The manual
control handle subassembly for the MA-2 type inertia reel shall conform to the dimensions of Figure 10 and shall
be interchangeable without modification with all QPL MA-2 type inertia reel control handles with no performance
degradation below the performance levels specified (see Manual control handle subassembly (MA-6. MA-8. MA- 14. and MA-16 type inertia reels)
interchangeability. The manual control handle subassembly for the MA-6, MA-8. MA-14 and MA-16 type inertia
reels shall conform to the dimensions of Figure 11 and shall be interchangcable without modification with all QPL
MA-6, MA-8, MA-14, and MA-16 type inertia reel control handles with no performance degradation below the
performance levels specified (see Manual control handle subassembly throw. Manual control handle subassembly (MA-1 type inertia reel) throw. The MA-1 manual control
handle subassembly shall be have a 60 5 angle throw which shall produce a manual control cable throw brake)
of 1.21 0.03 inches for the MA-1 type manual control cable subassembly (see Manual control handle subassembly (MA-2 type inertia reel) throw. The MA-2 manual control
handle subassembly shall be have a 50 10 angle throw which shall produce a manual control cable throw
(stroke) of 0.38 0.03 inches for the MA-2 type manual control cable subassembly (see Manual control handle subassembly (MA-6. MA-8, MA-14. and MA-16 type inertia reel) throw.
The manual control handle subassembly of these rypes of inertia reds shall be have a 50
angle throw which
shall produce a manual control cable throw (stroke) of 0.68
inches for the MA-6, MA-8, MA-14, and MA-16
type manual control cable subassemblies (see Manual control handle Subassembly perforrnance requirements. The manual control handle
subassembly shall meet the material, design, and performance requirements:
a. Dimensions (see Figures 9-11).
b. Materials (see 3.3).
c. Design and construction (see 3.4).
d. Manual control handle subassembly opeational requirements (see
e. Interchangeability (see
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