| ![]() MIL-R-8236F Fail. A test shall be deemed to be a failure if any requirement is not met and the reason for the
failure is other than one of the conditions which justify a "no test" determination. The Government Qualifying
Activity will determine what action(s) shall be required following the review of the failure analysis and proposed
corrective action. Pass. A test of the inertia reel shall be judged to be a pass only if all requirements are
demonstrated in accordance with the appropriate testing procedures. Government notification requirement of any qualification test failures. The Government Qualifying
Activity shall be notified of any qualification test failure within 24 hours of the occurrence. Following written
notification of a failure, the manufacturer shall provide a failure analysis, a corrective action plan with
substantiating test data, and recommendation of test(s) which should be re-run. All testing shall be terminated
until the Government Qualifying Activity provides written approval to re-initiate testing. The failure, including
analysis and corrective action. and associated testing shall be fully documented in the test report. Government notification requirement of any "no-test" condition. For a "no-test" condition. the
manufacturer may provide notification verbally with an analysis of the cause, including corrective action, and a
recommendation of which test(s) should be re-run. The testing should be stopped until the Government
Qualifying Activity, or its designee. concurs with the testing facility-recommended "no-test" classification and
provides authorization to resume testing. In the case of a "no test", the Government Qualifying Activity, or its
designee. may provide verbal approval to resume testing followed by written approval. The "no-test" condition,
including corrective action and retest. shall be fully documented in the test report. Re-test criteria. The testing shall be continued in sequence when a "no-test" determination is made
by the Government Qualifying Activity, or its designee. and approval to resume testing has been granted. The test
for which the "no-test" determination was made shall be repeated using the original test article unless it was
structurally loaded (i.e., in a dynamic crash test, static strength test. etc.) or the test article was damaged during the
test for which a "no-test" determination was made. In those cases. a new test article shall be substituted and the
test, or entire series of qualification tests which had been previously run using the original item, shall be repeated.
Any substitution of test articles must be approved by the Government Qualifying Activity and fully documented in
the test report. Criteria for QPL rejection. When the inertia reel assembly fails to perform in accordance with
requirements as specified herein. the qualification effort shall be terminated and application for QPL inclusion
4.2.2 Service tests A minimum of 5 complete inertia reels for each installation will be used by the
Government Activity responsible for service tests, to assess their suitability for/compatibility with the proposed
installation, and their reliability under actual service conditions. Lengths of cable or webbing lead-in strap
subassemblies and control cable subassemblies for each inertia reel configuration shall be specified by the
Government Verifying Activity (see 6.4.9) responsible for service tests and reflected in the test plan. Retention of qualification. Every 2 years following approval for listing on the QPL, the supplier shall
submit to the Government Qualifying Activity a certification. that no element requiring notification of the
Govemment Qualifying Activity has changed since the prior certification. Any changes implemented since the last
certification. including changes previously disclosed in full, shall be summarized on the current certification form
with the submission and Government Qualifying Activity approval dates for each change listed. The supplier thus
certifies that all changes are limited to those previously disclosed and for which approval has been obtained from
the Govemment Qualifying Activity to retain QPL status.
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