| ![]() MIL-R-8236F Webbing lead-in straps subassembly standard 1ength demonstration. A standard 18 inch webbing
lead-in strap subassembly shall be installed in MA-6, and MA-8 type inertia reels and a standard 24 inch webbing
lead- in strap subassembly shall be installed in MA-14 and MA-16 type inertia reds, as appropriate, and the
webbing shall be extended and retracted to assess the capability of the inertia reel to accept the required length of
webbing. Webbing lead-in strap subassembly interchangeability demonstration. The MA-6, MA-8, MA-14,
and MA-16 type webbing lead-in strap subassemblies shall be installed into all QPL MA-6, MA-8, MA-14, and
MA- 16 type inertia reel take-up spools without degrading performance. The lead-in webbing subassembly end
fittings shall be inspected for compliance with end fitting dimensions, Figure 8 and shall interchange with ail end
fittings of the MA-6, MA-8, MA-14, and MA-16 type approved for QPL. The integral end fitting shall be tested at
full extension of the webbing to ascertain whether the webbing/spool interface meets the proof and design static
toad requirements. specified herein. Webbing lead-in strap subassembly qualification. The webbing lead-in subassembly shall be
subjected to the following tests/inspections when qualified only as a subassembly:
a. Dimensions (see Figures 3, 7-8,
b. Materials (see 4.3).
c. Design and construction (see Figure 4, 4.4).
d. Environmental {see 4.5.5).
e. Interchangeability (See
f. Design static strength (see 4.5.7). Integrated restraint harness assembly interchangeability. Interchangeability of the integrated
restraint harness assembly webbing lead-in strap shall be demonstrated during service installation verification prior
to approval for QPL. Certification of interchangeability for each type of integrated restraint harness assembly is
required from the Government Verifying Activity responsible for service tests as part of the qualification test
report. Manual control handle subassembly operation demonstration. The manual control handle
subassembly, while attached to the inertia reel via the manual control cable subassembly. shall be functioned to
permit assessment of the capability of the 2 position handle to be retained in and moved between the "auto-lock"
and "manual-lock" positions. With the inertia reel and manual control assembly mounted as shown in Figures 9
through II, as applicable, the control handle shall be moved from the "auto-lock" to the "manual-lock position.
The force required to operate the manual control handle shall be 10 5 pounds. The movement shall be within the
limits specified in Figures 9 through 11, and shall cause the inertia reel to lock positively and to completely unlock.
When the manual control handle is placed in the "manual-lock" position. the inertia reel shall not become
unlocked unless the control handle is placed into the "auto-lock' position. With the inertia reel locked in the
"auto-lock" position, it shall be demonstrated that the inertia reel can be. unlocked (ratcheting is acceptable) with a
dead weight load of 25 pounds applied to the shoulder harness cable or webbing. Measurements shall be taken to
permit assessment of the extension of the cable or webbing exclusive of webbing stretch and packing when the
manual control cable locks the cable drum or webbing spool at any increment of extension. The manual control
handle subassembly shall be inspected to determine compliance with installation requirements, specified herein
While connected to the inertia reel. the static force required to move the control handle from both of its 2
functional positions to the opposite position shall be measured. When the handle is being moved from the
"manual- locked" position tO the "auto-locked" position. the 10 5 pound handle load shall be applied while a 25
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