| ![]() MIL-R-8236F
f. Throw angle (see
g. weight (see 4.4.5).
h. Environmental (see 4.5.5).
i. Life cycle (see
j. Lubrication (see 4.6).
k. Workmanship (see 4.8). Manual control cable subassembly design inspection. The external control cable subassembly shall be
attached (o an inertia reel and manual control handle subassembly to ascertain whether the manual control cable
subassembly is interchangeable without degradation of performance. When the manual control handle is
functioned from the "au{o-leek" to the "manual-lock" position. the inertia reel shall be inspected to ascertain if the
cable locked the inertia reel. Conversely, when the manual control handle is functioned from the "manual-lock"
position to the "auto-lock" position, the inertia reel shall be inspected to verify if the cable unlocked the inertia reel.
The manual control cable subassembly shall be inspected to determine compliance with installation requirements.
specified herein. The test shall be performed 3 times for each of the 2 directions of handle movement. Before and
after each test. it shall be verified that the reel is in the proper functional mode associated with each handle
position. The manual control cable subassembly shall be inspected for conformance with MIL-C-7958. Manual control cable subassembly performance demonstration. Manual control cable subassembly (MA-1 type inertia reel) throw (stroke). The MA-1 type
manual control cable subassembly, while attached to an MA-1 type manual control handle subassembly, shall be
functioned to determine the distance of the throw (stroke) of the moveable element of the manual control cable.
The manual control cable subassembly shall be inspected to verify compliance with Figure 12. Manual control cable subassembly (MA-2 type inertia reel) throw (stroke). The MA-2 type
manual control cable subassembly. while attached to an MA-2 type manual control handle subassembly, shall be
functioned to determine the distance of the throw (stroke) of the moveable element of the manual control cable.
The manual control cable subassembly shall be inspected to verify compliance with Figures 13 through 15. The
manual control cable subassembly shall be removed and the other end connected to the manual control handle
subassembly. The functioning shall be repeated to demonstrate that the manual control cable subassembly
performs satisfactorily irrespective of which end is connected to the manual control handle subassembly. Manual control cable subassembly (MA-6, MA-8, MA-14, and MA- 16 type inertia reels) throw
(stroke). The M-6, MA-8, MA-14, and MA-16 type manual contro1 cable subaSSemblieS, while attached to all
QPL MA-6, MA-8, MA-14, and MA-16 type manual control handle subassemblies, shall be functioned to
determine the distance of the throw {stroke) of the moveable element of the manual control cable. The manual
control cable subassembly shall be inspected to verify compliance with Figures 13 through 15. The flexible tubular
casing shall be inspected to verify the conformance of the end fittings and threaded attachment nuts to Figure 15.
The manual control cable subassembly shall be removed and the other end tonne.e~ed to the manual control handle
subassemblj'. The functioning shall be repeated to demonstrate that the manual control cable performs
satisfactorily irrespective of which end is connected to the manual control handle subassembly. Manual control cable subassembly adjustability demonstration. For MA-6, MA-8, MA-14, and
MA-16 type inertia reels. the interfacing point of attachment of [he manual control cable subassembly to the inertia
reel housing subassembly. the control head. shall be rotated within the plane perpendicular to the take-up spool
axis and then functioned to verify the capability of adjustment in a minimum of 12 positions without degradation
below inertia reel performance requirements specified herein.
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