| ![]() MIL-R-8236F
4.5.4 Proof strength tests. inertia reek, including the mounting provisions, cable/webbing, and terminal end
fittings shall be subjected to a static proof strength load. With the control handle in the "manual-lock" position a
static load shall be applied for a period of 60 seconds to the shoulder harness attachment cable or webbing fitting
with a spring dynamometer or standard testing machine. Upon removal of the load. the inertia reel shall operate
freely, allowing the shoulder harness cable or webbing to reel out when the control handle is cycled to unlock the
inertia reel. Recalibration is allowed at this time as necessary. Following the proof strength test, the inertia reels
shall be subjected to the tests specified (see 4.5.1 and excluding subparagraphs). inertia reels
having more than 1 locking mechanism shall be subjected to the proof strength requirements for each locking
mechanism. Proof strength test of the MA-1, MA-2, and MA-6 type inertia reels. These types of inertia reels shall
be subjected to a static load or 2,660 pounds for a duration of 60 seconds Without failure. Proof strength test of the MA-8, MA-14, and MA-16 type inertia reels. These types of inertia reels
shall be subjected to a static load of 3,330 pounds for a duration of 60 seconds without failure.
4.5.5 Environmental tests. For all inertia reel types. except the MA-14 and MA-16, 6 inertia reel assemblies
shall be subjected to each of the environmental tests. MIL-STD-810, and 2 inertia reel assemblies to the fungus
test, MIL-STD-810, in the order spccified in Table 1A. For the MA-14 and MA-16 type inertia reel, 10 inertia reel
assemblies shall be subject to each of the environmental tests, and 2 inertia reel assemblies to the fungus test,
MIL-STD-810, in the order specified in Table 1B. When qualifying inertia reel subassemblies, 5 subassemblies
shall be subjected to the environmental tests and then the subassemblies shall be attached to a QPL inertia red
assembly for the post-tests All inertia reel assemblies shall be tested with the cable/webbing extended 25 percent.
Following environmental conditioning. the inertia reel assemblies shall be subjected to the tests specified (see
4.5.1, or as applicable, and see excluding subparagraphs). Following completion of
all environmental conditioning and the Post-conditioning tests, the inertia reel assemblies shall be visually
inspected for corrosion, cracking. or other anomalous conditions and each such condition fully documented,
including, where appropriate. photographic documentation. High temperature. High-temperature tests shall be in accordance with Method 501, Procedures 1 and
II of MIL-STD-810, for the induced conditions under the Hot climate category as shown in Table 501.3-I.
Temperatures used in the cycle shall be adjusted proportionally for the peak Temperatures herein specified. The
storage high temperature shall be 230F for a duration of 7 cycles (168 hours). The operational high temperature
shall be 170F for a duration of 3 cycles (72 hours). Following the storage high temperature exposure, the inertia
reel assemblies or subassemblies shall be returned to ambient temperature and subjected to post-tests specified (see
4.5.5). Following the operating temperature exposure and while at 170F, the inertia reel assemblies or
subassemblies shall be subjected to post-tests specified (see 4.5.5). The tests shall be completed with 10 minutes
of removal from the chamber. or the inertia reel assemblies or subassemblies shall be reconditioned for a minimum
of 1 hour after reaching the chamber temperature of 170F and the post-tests continued. Low temperature. Low-temperature tests shall be Conducted in accordance with Method 502,
Procedures I and II of MIL-STD-810. The test temperature shall br -65F for storage with a duration of 72 hours.
Following the storage low temperature test, the inertia reel assemblies or subassemblies shall be returned to
ambient temperature and subjected to post-tests specified (see 4.5.5). The operational test temperature shall be
-40F for a 6 hour duration. Following the operational temperature exposure and while at -40F, the inertia reel
assemblies or subassemblies shall be subjected to post-tests specified (see 4.5.5). The tests shall be completed
within 10 minutes of removal from the chamber, or the inertia reel assemblies or subassemblies shall be
reconditioned for a minimum of i hour after reaching the chamber temperature of -40F and the post-tests
continued. Humidity. Humidity tests shall be in accordance with Method 507 of MIL-STD-810, Procedure II,
Hazardous test items. Cycle 4 in accordance with Tables 507.3-1 and 507.3-11 with a duration of 30 days. After
exposure 10 the humidity test, the inertia reel assemblies or subassemblies sha1l be subjected to post-tests specified
(see 4.5.5).
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