| ![]() MIL-R-8236F Design static strength of MA-1, MA-2. and MA-6 typ e inertia reels. These types of inertia reds
shall be subjected to a design static load of 4,000 pounds applied to the shoulder harness cable or webbing, at full
retraction and locked. for a period of 60 seconds without failure. Design StatiC strength of MA-8, MA-14, and MA-16 typc inertia reels. These types of inertia reels
shall be subjected to a design static load of 5,000 pounds applied to the shoulder harness webbing, at full retraction
and locked, for a period of 60 seconds without failure. Design static strength of webbing. The webbing. excluding its terminal end and attachment fitting,
shall be grasped at each end, and loaded to a design static load of 8,000 pounds for 60 seconds without failure, and
then loaded to destruction.
4.5.8 Dynamic crash tests. For all inertia reel types, except the MA-14 and MA-16 types, II inertia reels
shail be dynamically crash tested to the conditions specified in Tables IV and V. Four of the 11 inertia reels shall
previously have been environmentally conditioned. For the MA-14 and MA-16 type inertia reel, 22 inertia reels
shall be dynamically crash-tcsted to the conditions specified in Tables IV and V. Eight of the 22 inertia reels shall
previously have been environmentally conditioned. All inertia reel types, except for the MA-14 and MA-16 types,
shall be dynamically tcstcd to the horizontal and combined crash test conditions (impact conditions A and B of
Tables IV and V). The MA-14 and MA-16 type inertia reels shall be dynamically tested to all impact conditions
defined in Table IV. For each test. the inertia reel shall be installed on a fixture which simulates its operational
environment. including a seat fixture. aircrew restraint system, and anthropomorphic dummy as shown in Figure
21 and as specified herein. Selected inertia reels shall be environmentally and operationally preconditioned prior
to dynamic crash tests as specified in Tables IA or IB, as applicable. The inertia reels shall be tested in the
automatic locking mode, and shall include the manual control cable subassembly, lock/unlock lever, and standard
attachment fasteners. To verify compliance with Tables IA or IB, as applicable, inertia reel performance shall be
monitored with electronic instrumentation during each test. Data shall include linear payout of the inertia reel
cable or webbing. Linear payout of the cable/webbing shall be measured from the point where the cable/webbing
exits the inertia reel housing subassembly. The data shall be measured and recorded as a function of time in
accordance with SAE Handbook. Section SAE J211, Class 60 instrumentation system requirements. Seat fixture. The seat fixture shall consist of a rigid seat bucket and floor attachment structure, with
seat bottom and seat back dimensions as shown in Figure 22. The seat pitch angle for the seat fixture shall be 90
Mounting provisions shall be included on the seat for installation of the inertia reel and restraint system as shown
in Figure 20, as appropriate for each type of inertia reel. .4 seat bottom cushion shall be used which has 2
thickness of between 0.50 and 0.75 inch when compressed by the seated dummy occupant. Seat rigidity shall be
such that no point on the primary scat structure deflects more than 0.50 inch during the dynamic tests. Restraint system. The restraint system shall include a strap configuration as shown in Figure 21. The
restraint may be either a qualified operational restraint system meeting the requirements of MIL-S-58095,
MIL-S-81771, or a representative test restraint constructed for the purposes of this test. Full details of the restraint
system shall be included in the test plan. If a representative restrain{ is used, it shall meet the dimensioned,
strength and elasticity requirements of MIL-S-58095 or MIL-S-81771. However, the adjusters and buckle can be
replaced with continuous straps and stiiched joints to allow multiple test use, as long as other provisions are made
to ensure representative fitting and dynamic behavior of the harness throughout (he duration of the test program. If
strap length adjusters are used. webbing slippage at each adjuster shall not exceed 0.50 inch during each test. Anthropomorphic dummy. Each test shall be performed with a 95th percentile, VIP-95, Hybrid III, or
ADAM type test dummy weighed to 250 pounds. The dummy's feet shall be secured in a position representing
placement on an aircraft primary flight rudder pedal, or anti-torque pedal controls, or as in an appropriate crew
4.6 Lubrication. Any lubrication used on the inertia reel shall be inspected to demonstrate compliance with
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