| ![]() MIL-R-8236F
6.3 Consideration of data requirements. The following data requirements should be considered when this
Specification is applied on a contract. The applicable Data Item Descriptions (DID's) Should reviewed in
conjunction with the specific acquisition to ensure that only essential data are requested/provided and that the
DID's are tailored to reflect the requirements of the specific acquisition. To ensure correct contractual application
of the data requirements, a Contract Data Requirements List (DD Form 1423) must be prepared to obtain the data
except where DOD FAR Supplement 27.475- I exempts the requirement for a DD Form 1423.
Reference Paragraph
DID Number
DID Title
Report, Test
The above DID's were cleared as of the date of this specification. The current issue of DOD 5010,12-L,
Acquisition Management Systems and Data Requirements Control List (AMSDL), must be researched to ensure
that only current, cleared DID's are cited on the DD Form 1423-
6.4 Definitions.
6.4.1 Cable/webbing extension. An initial length of cable/webbing extended from the fully retracted
cable/webbing position. Extension is used as a condition prior to a test run.
6.4.2 Cable/webbing payout. The length of cable/webbing extended from an inertia reel during an
acceleration pulse. Payout is used as a test measurement for evaluation of functional operation.
6.4.3 Cognizant engineering activity. (government activity responsible for specific aircraft seat system.
6.4.4 Configuration management authority. Government activity responsible for confirmation control of the
specific aircraft seat system.
6.4.5 Design static load. Design static load is less than the item ultimate load. It is a load at which the inertia
reel shall remain functional.
6.4.6 Dual mode. lnertia reels which apply two sensing methods, such as strap acceleration and vehicle
acceleration. to engage the locking mechanism(s). The sensing methods are independent of each other providing
total redundancy.
6.4.7 Flight critical components/subassemblies designation. The flight critical components/subassembies are
defined as elements of the component/subassembly design which are critical to the correct, rapid and complete
functioning of the inertia reel; require unique skill or capability to manufacture and require extreme attention to
tolerances and/or other quality assurance aspects of manufacture for the intia reel to operate as specified herein.
This designation is in accordance with NAVAIR Instruction 4200.25.
6.4.8 Government Qualifying Activity. Government activity responsible for qualification, SA-ALC/LDIE.
6.4.9 Government Verifying Activity. Government activity tasked to conduct the service tests during the
6.4.10 Multidirectional inertia reel. Inertia reels which automatically lock when the aircraft is subjected
either to a longitudinal acceleration, a transverse acceleration, or combination thereof.
6.4.11 Omnidirectional inertia reel. inertia reels which automatically lock when the aircraft is subjected to
either a longitudinal acceleration. a transverse acceleration, a latitudinal acceleration, or combination thereof.
6.4.12 Unidirectional inertia reel. Inertia reels which automatically lock when subjected to rearward
longitudinal acceleration of the aircraft.
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