| ![]() MIL-R-83726/25H
ESDS protection program: The manufacturer shall establish and maintain an ESD control program in
accordance with MIL-STD-1686 for mission critical equipment. Evidence of such compliance shall be
verified by the qualifying activity of this specification as a prerequisite for qualification and continued
qualification. This program shall be documented by an ESD control plan that must be under document
control. As a minimum, this plan must address the identification of ESDS sub-components and end
items, facilities, training, design protection, handling procedures, marking, cleaning, preservation,
packaging, and quality assurance. A model ESD control program is available from the qualifying activity
and may be used as a guideline. Further guidance for ESD control is available from the EQS/ESD
Association and the Electronics Industry Association (EIA). This requirement is applicable to all
manufacturers who handle ESDS component parts and materials in the relay manufacturing or testing
process. This requirement is not limited to manufacturers qualifying ESDS end items.
ESDS verification: As a part of qualification or qualification after redesign, ESD testing shall be done in
accordance with method 3015 of MIL-STD-883 modified to test at 16,000 volts. Testing at lower voltage
levels is not required. This testing shall be accomplished as part of the group III for qualification
inspection and as part of the group C inspection.
ESDS preservation and packaging: Relays shall be preserved and packaged in such a manner as to
ensure that the integrity of ESD sensitive relays is not diminished. ESD sensitive relays shall be
preserved and packaged in accordance with the requirements of MIL-STD-1686.
Part or Identifying Number (PIN): consists of the prefix M83726/25-, a four-digit dash number
(expressed in milliseconds):
Military designator
Specification sheet number
The first three digits are significant;
the fourth digit is the number of zeros to
follow the first three digits. The time is
expressed in milliseconds and converted to
seconds. (See examples.)
- 50 millisecond time delay. 5/
Examples: M83726/25-0500
- 250 second time delay.
Quality assurance provisions: Group B and group C testing are not required. The manufacturer shall
notify the qualifying activity in the event of any design or construction changes, and shall impose
additional testing requirements as necessary.
The Qualified Products List (QPL) associated with this inactive for new design specification will be
maintained until acquisition of the product is no longer required, whereupon the specification and the
QPL will be canceled.
5/ Any relays numbered prior to the date of this specification with a quality level indicator (W, X, Y) shall
be considered interchangeable (store and issue).
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