| ![]() MIL-R-83726/7D
Recycle characteristics:
Before time out: Power must be removed for 50 milliseconds or 5 percent of the nominal time
delay, whichever is greater, to insure a loss in timing no greater than 10 percent.
After time out: Power must be applied for 10 milliseconds or 1 percent of the nominal time
delay, whichever is greater, after which an interruption of 10 milliseconds will insure a loss in
timing no greater than 10 percent.
Polarity protection: The unit will be inoperative during, and undamaged by, reversal of the input
Insulation resistance at 500 V dc 1/:
Initial: 1,000 megohms minimum.
After life or environmental tests: 500 megohms minimum.
Dielectric withstanding voltage:
Sea level
(V rms, 60 Hz)
(V rms 60 Hz)
Between case and all contacts ------------------------------
Between case and inputs 1 and 9 1/ ----------------------
350 2/
Between all contacts and inputs 1 and 9 ------------------
Between open contacts in the energized and
deenergized positions --------------------------------------
Between contact poles ----------------------------------------
Transients: In accordance with MIL-STD-704 for 28 V dc system (figure 11).
Temperature range: -65C to +125C.
Altitude: 80,000 feet.
Shock: 50 G's for 11 1 milliseconds, MIL-STD-202, method 213, condition A.
Contact opening: 10 microseconds maximum duration. Monitor in accordance with method 310
of MIL-STD-202.
Vibration (sinusoidal): 10-80 Hz at 0.06 inch peak double amplitude, 80-3,000 Hz at 20 G's.
Acceleration: 50 G's steady state, no opening of closed contacts.
Sealing: Not applicable.
1/ Input terminals X1 and X2 must be connected together during this test.
2/ All pins to case for this test.
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