| ![]() MIL-R-85323(AS)
Stores shall be ejected using the
Temperature shock.
ripple mode.
The test temperature shall be 70C (158F).
Stores shall be ejected using the ripple mode.
Sand test. This test shall be conducted on two ejector
units only, removed at random from the strongback of the bomb rack. The
ejector units shall be supported as described in 4.6.2.
Stores shall be ejected using the ripple
Salt spray.
mode. The minimum operating voltage shall be as defined herein (see When pulsed power inputs are required, the on-time shall be
0.025 second and the off-time shall be 0.020 second.
Shock test. The applied shock loads shall be as speci-
fied in Table IV. There shall be two shocks in each direction of the
three axes shown in the table for a total of 12 shocks. Each ejector
unit shall be loaded with a 113 kilogram (250 pound) store for the yield
load tests. After the yield load test in each direction of an axis,
stores shall be manually released to assure proper functioning of the
ejector units. The light load test shall not be conducted. Only yield
loads shall be applied during catapult and arrested landing tests.
The bomb rack shall be subjected to the
Stores shall not be
vibration test in accordance with Procedure II.
released during vibration and 113 kilogram (250 pound) stores shall be
used for loaded vibration.
This test shall be conducted on two Lock shut firing.
ejector units only, removed at random from the strongback of the bomb
The ejector units shall be supported as described in 4.6.2.
This test shall be conducted with the Static test.
following conditions. The design limit load shall be as specified in
Table V. The bomb rack shall be loaded to limit, yield and ultimate
loads. The combined loads and moments shall be applied to rigid simu-
lated stores of negligible weight (45 kilograms, 100 pounds maximum),
such that they act at each store center of gravity.
Qualification cross reference. Table VI identifies each
requirement in Section 3 and correlates the Section 4 paragraphs that
qualify it.
Preservation and
Bomb rack preservation and packaging.
packaging shall be in accordance with Level A, B or C as specified in
MIL-STD-794, as specified in the contract, without the use of preserva-
tion compound.
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