| ![]() MIL-R-85363(AS)
c. No forward longitudinal acceleration
d. Igniter Mk 296 shall not be installed during testing.
4.8 Ballistic tests.
4.8.1 Ballistic requirements. Rocket motors shall meet the
ballistic requirements as specified in table I when static fired in
accordance with 4.8.2.
4.8.2 Static firing. Test equipment required. A suitable dual channel test stand,
equipped with a recording oscillograph, and instrumentation for measuring
thrust and time, shall be used for firing the rocket motors. Temperature conditioning. All rocket motors to be subjected
to static firing shall be conditioned in accordance with 4.7.1. Oscillograph record. An oscillograph record of the
thrust developed by the rocket motor unit shall be obtained during the
firing test. Firing. The rocket motor shall be mounted on the test
stand specified in and fired not later than 30 minutes after
removal from the temperature conditioning box. Units shall be fired
by energizing the igniter circuit with 28 volts direct current at
13 2 amperes.
4.9 Ballistic performance. Acceptable ballistic performance shall
be determined by comparison of ballistic requirements of table I with
the values of the test data obtained from the rocket motor static test
firing. The data may be taken from the actual oscillograph record
or by digital data processing techniques, provided that such tech-
niques have prior approval of procuring activity. (See 6.5)
5.1 Preservation and packaging.
5.1.1 Level A. In addition to the following, Level A Packaging
shall be in accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations 49 CFR
5.1.2 Unit packa
Rocket motors shall be unit packaged for
ive state in accordance with MIL-P-116, Method
shipment in a nonpr
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