| ![]() MIL-R-85523A(AS)
5.4 Special requirements. All wrappings, cushioning, dunnage and containers
used in preservation, packaging and packing of regulators shall be completely
free of contamination by oil or grease.
6.1 Intended use. The regulator covered by this specification is intended
for use in supplying breathing gas to aircrewmen in the operation of an aircraft.
6.2 Acquisition requirements.
Acquisition documents must specify the
a. Title, number, and date of this specification, including any amendments
b. Issue of DODISS to be cited in the solicitation and if required the
specific issue of indiviual documents referenced (see 2.1 and 2.2)
c. Applicable QPL, Government designation and manufacturer
d. Whether first article inspection is required (see 4.4).
e. Name and address of the first article inspection laboratory (see 4.4) and
the name of the Government activity responsible for conducting the first
article inspection program (see 4.4).
f. Name and address of the quality conformance verification inspection
facility (see 4.6) and the name of the Government activity responsible
for conducting the quality conformance verification inspection program
(see 4.6).
g. Applicable levels of preservation, packaging, and packing (see 5.1 and
h. Data item required (see 6.2.2).
i. Quantity of regulators.
6.3 Consideration of data requirements. The following data requirements
should be considered when this specification is applied on a contract. The
applicable Data Item Descriptions (DID's) should be reviewed in conjunction with
the specific acquisition to ensure that only essential data are
requested/provided and that the DID's are tailored to reflect the requirements of
the specific acquisition. To ensure correct contractual application of the data
requirements, a Contract Data Requirements List (DD Form 1423) must be prepared
to obtain the data, except where DOD FAR Supplement 27.475-1 exempts the
requirement for a DOD Form 1423.
Reference Paragraph
DID Number
DID Title
Suggested Tailoring
4.4.2, 4.5, 4.6
The above DID's were those cleared as of the date of this solicitation. The
current issue of DOD 5010.12-L, Acquisition Management Systems and Data
Requirements Control List (AMSDL), must be researched to ensure that only
current, cleared DID's are cited on the DD Form 1423.
6.4 Qualification. With respect to products requiring qualification, awards
will be made only for products which are at the time set for opening of bids,
qualified for inclusion in the applicable Qualified Products List (QPL-85523)
whether or not such products have actually been so listed by that date. The
attention of the suppliers is called to this requirement, and manufacturers are
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