| ![]() MIL-R-85895 (AS)
the bomb rack is latched and
switch shall be verified to be open when
closed when the bomb rack is released.
The bomb rack shall successfully pass the
Additional tests.
following test of MIL-T-7743 as specified except as modified herein.
The arming units shall meet the requirements of 4.6.3 when they are
required to be tested and they shall be tested in the vertical downward
Whenever ejections are performed, the lag time
direction only.
For all climatic tests
requirements shall not exceed .050 seconds.
(icing, sand, humidity, fungus, salt spray, altitude), the bomb rack
shall be unlocked. Manual operation. This test shall be conducted in accordance
with 4.6.2.c, 4.6.2.d, and 4.6.2.e.
The bomb rack shall be tested to
Electrical characteristics.
demonstrate all electrical equipment on the bomb rack operates when
20 VDC is applied to the input connectors. High voltage tests will not
be performed on components with sensitive solid state electronics
(arming units, relays).
The bomb rack shall meet the
Electromagnetic compatibility.
requirements of MIL-STD-561.
conducted in Lag time determination.
This test shall be
accordance with the lag or time of release determination test for
horizontal bombing items. Icing. This test shall be conducted in accordance with
the Navy and Air Force icing test as specified in MIL-T-7743.
The bomb rack shall meet the requirements during and after the
environmental exposure. Shock. The light load tests shall be conducted with the bomb
rack locked a 500 pound store for 14 inch hooks. Yield load tests
shall be conducted with a 2,600 pound store for the 30 inch suspension
hooks. Applied shock amplitudes shall be as specified In Table IV. The
shock test for arrested landing load shall be conducted with the bomb
rack locked.
This test shall be conducted in accordance with
Procedure II of the vibration test. The Bomb Rack lock shall be cycled
during this test.
The test store used shall be 500 pounds for the 14
inch hooks and 2,000 pounds for the 30 inch hooks (see 4.5.d). Sand.
The bomb rack shall meet the requirements during and
after exposure to this environmental condition.
Temperature. shock.
The bomb rack shall meet the operating
requirements during and after exposure. High-g.
This test shall be conducted with the following
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