| ![]() MIL-R-8592/4
TABLE III (Cent'd)
Inadequate application of the components
such as incomplete closure of the unit
package, intermediate package, container
flaps, or loose strappings, etc; bulging
or distortion of the containers.
Number per container is more or less than
Exterior and interior
required; gross or net weight exceeds the
weight or content
Packaging - Packaging shall be Level A or C, as specified
(see 6.2).
Level A - The covers shall be packaged in accordance with
MIL-P-116, Method 111. Place each cover within a transparent film bag and
Excess air within the bag shall be expelled prior to sealing. The
bags shall be fabricated in accordance with MIL-B-43165, Type I or MIL-B-
22205, Type III. The minimum thickness of the film shall be .0015 inch.
Each bagged cover shall then be packaged within an individual paperboard
folding or set-up container conforming to PPP-B-566 or PPP-B-676.
Level C - The cover shall be packaged in a manner that
will prevent physical damage and deterioration during transit from the
supply source to the point of delivery. The contractor's commercial
practice may be utilized when it conforms to the criteria stated herein.
Packing - Packing shall be Level A, B or C as specified
Insofar as practicable, shipping
by the procuring activity (see 6.2).
containers shall contain items of one part number, contain identical
quantities, be of uniform size and shape and effect a close fit for the
Level A - The cover, packaged as specified in 5.1.1, shall
be packed for shipment in fiberboard shipping containers conforming to PPP-
B-636, Class-Weather resistant, Grade V3s/V3c or PPP-B-640, Class 2, Grade A.
The gross weight of each packed container shall not exceed 70 pounds for the
Each con-
PPP-B-636 container nor 200 pounds for the PPP-B-640 container.
tainer shall be fitted with a waterproof case liner fabricated and sealed in
accordance with MIL-L-10547. The container closure, sealing and banding
procedure shall be accomplished in accordance with the procedure delineated
in the appendix of the applicable specification.
Level B - The cover, packaged as specified in 5.1.1,
shall be packed for shipment in fiberboard containers conforming to PPP-B-
636, Class-Domestic, Grade 275 (minimum) or PPP-B-640, Class 1, Grade A or B.
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