| ![]() MIL-S-10521K(AR)
5.2 Packing.
The cartons shall be packed in accordance with
5.2.1 Level A.
dwg. 8799712.
5.2.2 Level A. For Marine Corps use, packing shall be in
accordance with dwg. 2128179.
5.3 Marking.
5.3.1 The boxes shall be marked as specified on dwgs. 8799712
and 8799713.
5.3.2 For Marine Corps use, marking shall be as specified on
dwgs. 2128179 and 3139676.
6.1 Intended use. The components covered by this specification
are intended for use on the M117 Booby Trap, Flash Simulator.
6.2 Ordering data.
Procurement documents shall specify the
Title, number and date of this specification.
Provisions for submission of first article samples.
Provisions of MIL-A-48078.
d. For Marine Corps Packing, and Marking see section 5.1.2,
5.2.2 and 5.3.2.
6.2 Submission of inspection equipment designs for approval.
(See MIL-A-48078). Submit equipment designs, as required, to:
Commander, U.S. Army Armament Research & Development Command, ATTN:
DRDAR-QAT-I, Dover, New Jersey 07801.
6.3 Distribution of ammunition data cards. Distribution of
data cards shall include the following: Commander, US. Army
Armament Research & Development Command, ATTN: DRDAR-QAT-M, Dover,
New Jersey 07801.
6.4 Drawings. Drawings listed in Section 2 of this specifica-
tion under the heading, "US Army Armament Research and Development
Command (ARRADCOM)" may also include drawings prepared by, and iden-
tified as Edgewood Arsenal, Frankford Arsental, Rock Island Arsenal
or Picatinny Arsenal drawings. Technical data originally prepared
by these activities is now under the cognizance of ARRADCOM.
6.5 Changes from Previous Issue. Asterisks are not used in
this revision to identify changes with respect to the previous
issue, due to the extensiveness of the changes.
Preparing activity:
(Project 1370-A151)
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