| MIL-S-10522K (PA)
almost to boiling. Fifty (50) ml. of a standardized solution
of approximately four Percent ferrous ammonium sulfate (Mohr's
Salt) shall be added, using a calibrated pipette, and the
solution boiled for two minutes, cooled, the valve loosened
and the excess of Mohr's Salt titrated with a standardized
0.1N potassium permanganate. Concurrently conduct a blank
determination using the same quantities of the reagents
used for the analysis of the sample. The percentage of
potassium chlorate in the sample shall be calculated as follows:
V = volume of potassium permangenate required for blank
titration, ml.
v = volume of potassium permanganate required for sample
titration, ml.
N = normality of potassium permanganate solution.
W = weight of original sample, gm. Dextrin. - The percentage of dextrin in the
sample shall be calculated by subtracting from 100 the combined
percentages of antimony sulfide and potassium chlorate. Whistle composition
4.5.2 .3.1 A ten (10) gram sample of the composition shall
be selected and analyzed as follows:
4.5.2 .3.1.1 Red gum. - Quantitatively transfer an accurately
weighed portion of approximately 5.0 gm. of the ground and
blended sample to a tared medium porosity glass crucible of
30 ml. capacity containing a small stirring rod. Place the
crucible on a tall form Fisher Filtrator containing a clean 200
ml. volumetric flask. To the crucible add 20 ml. of distilled
water heated to 60-70 degrees C. Stir the contents of the
crucible for approximately one minute and allow the water to ,
remain In contact with the aqueous extraction for at least
three (3) minutes before applying suction. The water extraction
shall be repeated four (4) times each time catching the wash
in the volumetric flask. Aspirate the crucible and contents
for approximately 10 minutes, and then place it In an oven
maintained at 80 plus or minus 2 degrees C. for 3 hours. Reserve
the filtrate for the potassium perchlorate determination. Remove
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