| MIL-S-13119E
Sampling for examination shall be in accordance with Sampling.
MIL-STD-105. Examination. Samples selected in accordance with shall be
examined for the following defects. AQL shall be 2.5 percent defective.
Boxes not as specified for level A or B.
Quantities packed together exceed the box limitations for level
A or B.
Strapping not as specified for level A.
Packing not in accordance with the referenced document as
specified for commercial.
Marking missing, illegible, incorrect, or incomplete for
level A, B, or commercial.
Packing shall be level A, level B, or commercial as specified
5.1 Packing.
(see 6.2).
5.1.1 Level A. The spreaders shall be packed together in close fitting
boxes conforming to PPP-B-601, overseas type, style optional or PPP-B-621,
class 2, style optional, in quantities not to exceed the weight limitation of
the box. The spreaders shall be blocked and braced within the box in a manner
to prevent movement. Box closure and strapping shall be in accordance with
the appendix to the applicable box specification. Strapping shall conform to
QQ-S-781, class 1, type I or IV, size as applicable. Unless otherwise speci-
fied (see 6.2) strapping shall be finish B. When specified (see 6.2) strapping
shall be finish A.
5.1.2 Level B. The spreaders shall be packed as specified in 5.1.1 for
level A except the boxes shall be domestic type or class as applicable. Box
closure and strapping shall be in accordance with the appendix to the applicable
box specification.
The spreaders shall be packed in accordance with
5.1.3 Commercial.
ASTM D 3951.
5.2 Marking.
5.2.1 Military. Marking for military levels of protection (level A or B)
shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-129.
Marking for commercial packaging shall be in accordance
5.2.2 Commercial.
with ASTM D 3951.
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