| ![]() MIL-S-13175H(AR)
5.4.2 Intermediate Package markinq. The fiberboard box of the
intermediate package shall be marked on one side with identification
marking consisting of national stock number, nomenclature (item
description) quantity and unit of issue, and level of packaging and
date (month and year) packaged. Marking material shall be in
accordance with D4-1-32. Marking shall be minimum 12 point type
size and shall be applied prior to sealing within the polyethylene
bag when applicable.
5.4.3 Packing markinq. The shipping container shall be marked
in accordance with Dwg. D4-1-32.
5.4.4 Palletized load markinq. palletized unit loads shall be
marked in accordance with Dwg. D4-1-31, adjusting quantity as
applicable if less than full pallet load.
6.1 Intended use. The fire starter is intended to start fires
under adverse weather conditions.
6.2 Orderinq data.
See MIL-A-48078.
6.3 Submission of inspection equipment designs for approval.
See MIL-A-48078. Submit equipment designs as required to:
Commander, USAAMCCOM, ATTN: DRSMC-QAT-I (D), Dover, NJ 07801.
6.4 Precautions. Because of the hazardous nature of filling
munitions with chemical agents, filling installations are advised to
take all precautions to prevent fires and to protect personnel from
injury during the preparation of incendiary mixtures.
6.5. Leakaqe. Leakage may be determined more readily when the
fuel chambers are placed with adequate spacing on a layer of
absorbent paper (blotting paper or paper towel) and gently weighted
to hold them in contact with the absorbing paper.
6.6 Drawing. Drawings listed in Section 2 of this
specification under the heading "US Army Armament Research and
Development Center (ARDC) may also include drawings prepared by and
identified as Edgewood Arsenal, Frankford Arsenal, Rock Island
Arsenal, or Picatinny Arsenal drawings. Technical data originally
prepared by these activities is now under the cognizance of ARDC.
Preparing activity:
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