| MIL-S-13303G(AR) Density of propellant grain (see dwg. 8887529). Overall density - Critical defect. This test shall
be performed 100 percent. Any propellant grain that fails to comply
with the requirements shall be classed defective and removed from
the lot. The test procedure shall be as specified in Density of any section - Critical defect.
Twenty-five (25) propellant grains shall be selected from each lot
for test. If any section of the grain fails to comply with the
requirements, the lot shall be rejected. The test procedure shall
be as specified in Swivel Pull test (see dwg. 8798000) - Major defect.
Thirty-two (32) swivels shall be selected from each swivel lot for
test. If one or more swivels fail to comply with the requirements,
the lot shall be rejected. The test procedure shall be as specified
in 4.5.11.
4.4.4 Inspection equipment. Inspection equipment required to
perform the inspections prescribed in this specification is
identified in the Examination (4.3.2) and Test Method (4.4)
paragraphs herin. See 6.3 for details concerning responsibility
for inspection equipment design and approval.
4.5 Methods of inspection.
4.5.1 Moisture content.
The moisture content of the smoke Smoke composition.
compositions shall be determined
in accordance with the method
specified in MIL-STD-1234 method
101.1 except that the test drying
time shall be 4 hours and vacuum
shall be applied. Black powder. The moisture content of the black powder
shall be determined in accordance with MIL-STD-1234, Method 102.1.1
using 2 g sample and 70 to 75C for 4 hrs. Delay composition. An accurately weighed portion of
approximately 5 grams (g.) of delay composition shall be placed in a
dried tared aluminum weighing dish 2 inches in diameter. A
polytetrafluorethylene cover shall be placed on the dish and the
dish, contents and cover accurately weighed. The cover shall be
removed and the dish and contents heated at 95
for 2 hours
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