| MIL-S-1398E(AR)
4.5.4 Air leakage test. The signal assembly shall be placed in
a cylindrical air tight chamber with the free space minimized. The
air pressure within the chamber shall be raised to a min. of 3
pounds p.s.i.g. by means of a fixed volume of air. With the air
supply shut off the pressure shall be maintained for 15 seconds
min., any test sample which fails to comply with the applicable
requirements shall be classed defective. (Non-Destructive Test)
4.5.5 Static test of star assembly and tracer assembly. The
assembly shall be tested by supporting the star in a horizontal
--osition with the axis of the star perpendicular to the photometric
axis, and ignited by means of quickmatch. The candlepower and color
value shall be measured and recorded to determine compliance with
the requirements specified on the applicable drawing (See 6.5).
Determination of candlepower and color value shall be made in
accordance with the procedures and equipment specified in dwgs.
9201136, 9201268, 9201390 and associated dwgs., 9201392 and
(Destructive Test)
4.5.6 Chamber gaging. The signal assembly shall be gaged with
equipment specified in 4.4.4. Any signal which fails to comply with
the applicable requirements shall be removed from the lot.
(Non-Destructive test).
5.1 Preservation.
Signals shall be packaged in accordance with
5.1.1 Level A.
dwg. 8836949.
5.2 Packing.
5.2.1 Level A.
Signals shall be packed in accordance with dwg.
5.3 Markinq.
Marking shall be in accordance with dwgs. 8836949
and 8836950.
6.1 Intended use. The components covered by this specification
are intended for use on the Signal, Illumination Aircraft Double
Star AN-M37A2 thru AN-M42A2.
See MIL-A-48078.
6.2 Orderinq data.
6.3 Submission of Inspection Equipment for Design Approval.
See MIL-A-48078
Submit equipment designs as required to:
Commander, US Army Armament Research and Development Center, ATTN:
DRSMC-QAT-I(D), Dover, NJ 07801.
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