| MIL-S-1399E(AR) Chamber gaging. (see dwg. 8847441) . Chamber gaging
shall be performed 100 percent. Any assembly that binds or
otherwise-fails to gage freely shall be classed defective and
removed from the lot. The gaging shall be performed as specified in
4.5.6. Check test for possible deteriotation of primers (see
applicable primer specification) . If the total elapsed time between
original acceptance of any primer lot and the assembly of that lot
into the signal assemblies exceeds two years, or if the primers have
been subjected to adverse conditions, however brief, at any time
since previous tests, the primer lots shall be subjected to and must
satisfactorily pass the check test specified in the applicable
primer specification. The check test shall be performed by the
contractor (see 6.6) prior to assembling the primers into the
signals. Heat seal test of sealed bag (see dwg. 8836949).
Sampling, acceptance criteria, and test methods shall be as
specified in MIL-P-116.
4.4.4 Inspection equipment. The inspection equipment required
to perform the examinations and test prescribed herein is described
in the paragraph Reference/Inspection Method column in the tables
starting with paragraph The contractor shall submit for
approval inspection equipment designs in accordance with the terms
of the contract. See Section 6 of MIL-A-48078 and 6.3 herein.
Methods of inspection.
4.5.1 Moisture content. Star charge composition. Preferred method. Determine the moisture content of
the star charge composition in accordance with Method 101.2 given in
MIL-STD-1234 using a suitable size sample (50g). Alternate method. The moisture content shall be
determined in accordance with Method 101.4 of MIL-STD-286. Tracer composition. Determine the moisture content of
the tracer composition in accordance with Method 102.1.1 given in
MIL-STD-1234 using 10g. sample and 70 + 2C heat for 2 hours. Black powder. Determine the moisture content of black
powder in accordance with Method 102.1.1 given in MIL-STD-1234 using
a 2g. sample and 70 to 75C for 4 hours. Other components (paper, cotton, chipboard and
polypropylene. Determine the moisture content of the "other
components" in accordance with Method 102.1.1 given in MIL-STD-1234.
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