| MIL-S-1419D (PA)
3.1 Material. - Materials and parts shall be In accordance
with applicable drawings and specifications.
3.2 Assembly. - The assembly shall comply with all require-
ments specified on Drawing (dwg.) 8847467 and with all require-
ments specified in applicable specifications.
3.3.1 Star charge composition. - The moisture content of
the red star charge composition at the loading station shall not
exceed 0.1 percent, and the moisture content of the green and
yellow star charge composition shall not exceed 0.5 percent.
3.3.2 Black powder. - The moisture content of the black
powder, at the loading station at the time of loading the signals,
shall not exceed 0.3 percent.
3.3.3 paper, and chipboard. - The moisture content of the
paper and chipboard components, at the loading station at the
time of loading the signals shall not exceed 6 percent.
3.3.4 Polypropylene felt. - The moisture content of the
polypropylene felt components at the loading station at the
time of loading shall not exceed 0.1 percent.
3.4 Transportation vibration. - The signal assembly shall
comply with the following requirements:
3.4.1 The signal assembly shall not function during the test.
3.4.2 The signal assembly shall be safe to transport fol-
lowing the test (see 6.6).
3.4.3 There shall be no evidence of external damage to the
signal assembly that will affect the intended function (see 6.7).
3.4.4 There shall be no evidence of damage in the packing
or packaging that would affect the storage life of the signal
3.4.5 The signal assembly shall comply with the requirements
of 3.5 following this test.
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