| ![]() MIL-S-1419D (PA)
signal assemblies are vertical with base end down, box positioned
so that signal assemblies are horizontal, and box positioned so
that the signal assemblies are vertical with base end up. After
the test, the box packing and the signal assemblies shall be
examined to determine compliance with the requirements.
4.4.3 Functioning (Proving Ground). - The signals shall be
immersed to a depth between 6 and 9 inches for 2 hours in water
maintained at 70 plus or minus 10 degrees Fahrenheit, At the
end of the immersion time, the signals shall be removed from the
water and the exterior surfaces wiped dry. The signals shall be
fired in a pistol, for which the signal is standard, that is
mounted on a tower platform at a min. height of 100 feet above
the ground. The signal functioning shall be observed for compli-
ance with the requirements. Test shall be conducted in accordance
with Acceptance Test Procedure SI-A-VAR Suppl. - SI-A-1 Test Validity. - If for any reason the proving grcund
considered that the test conditions have detrimentally affected
the test results, the test shall be declared invalid and a new
test shall be performed with additional samples.
*4.4.4 Air leakage test. - The signal assembly shall be
placed in a cylindrical air tight chamber with the free space
minimized. The air pressure within the chamber shall be raised
to a minimum of 3 pounds p.s.i.g., by means of a fixed volume
of air. With the air supply shut. off the pressure shall be
maintained for 15 seconds min. An accurate pressure measuring
instrument shall be observed for evidence of' signal leakage.
*4*4,5 Static test of star assembly. - The star assemblies
shall be tested by supporting the star In a horizontal position
with the axis of the star perpendicular to the photometric axis,
and ignited by means of quickmat cl.. The candlepower and color
value shall be measured and recorded to determine compliance with
the candlepower and color value requirements specified on the
applicable drawing Determination of candlepower and color value
shall be made in accoradance with the procedures and equipmemt speci-
fled in dwgs. 9201136, 9201260, 9201390 and associated dwgs.,
9201392 and 9247071.
4.4.6 Chamber gaging - The signal assembly shall be gaged
with equipment specified in 4.3.4.
5.1 Preservation and Packaging.
5.1.1 Level A. - Signals shall be packaged in accordance
with dwg. 8836949.
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