| ![]() MIL-S-17000N(SH) Switchboards. Enclosures for switchboards (see 6.5.1) shall
be dripproof and in accordance with the applicable specification sheet. Where
the requirement is dripproof for a zero degree angle of drip, gaskets and
shields over openings on the front of the switchboard will not be required.
The top of dripproof enclosures shall prevent dripping water from entering the
switchboard enclosure of damaging meters on the front of the enclosure.
Effectiveness of the switchboard enclosure shall not be tested. Control indicators. When specified (see 6.2.1), enclosures
for control indicators to be mounted in locations exposed to the weather shall
be watertight and enclosures for control indicators to be mounted in interior
locations shall be dripproof, for a zero degree angle of drip except that
gaskets and shields over openings on the front of the control indicator will
not be required. The watertight enclosure shall pass the test specified in
4.6.9. Effectiveness of dripproof enclosures shall not be tested. Mounting. Enclosure mounting shall be in accordance with the
requirements of the applicable specification sheet. Mounting hardware and sway braces will be provided by the
installing activity. Intersection fastening hardware shall be provided by
the manufacturer (see 5.1.3). Enclosure accessibility. Enclosures shall be constructed in
accordance with requirement 36 of MIL-STD-454 to provide maximum accessibility
for maintenance. If access to the inside of the back of the control indicator
enclosure is required, hinged panel or subpanels shall be provided to permit
access from the front of the enclosure. It shall not be necessary to remove
any of the permanently mounted internal parts or subassemblies in order for
the enclosures to be mounted. Parts and subassemblies shall be mounted to
permit easy replacement. Enclosure construction shall be such that wiring, terminals,
and electrical connections shall be accessible for servicing and test purposes
without requiring the removal of a part or subassembly from the enclosure in
which it is mounted, except where plug and jack connections are used. Items
which are subject to replacement or servicing under normal maintenance shall
not be secured by rivets, welding, or other means which prevent ready removal.
Equipment shall be completely dead front (except for such items as fuse testers
where less than 6 volts (V) are used). Doors. Switchboard doors (see shall be in accordance
with the applicable specification sheet. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2.1),
the hinges for the doors on types II through V, VII, IX, X and XII switchboards
shall be on the left side of the door when viewed by an operator facing the
door. A temporary information plate shall be attached to the upper latch on
types II, IV, VII, IX, X and XII switchboard sections cautioning against opening
of the door prior to installation or otherwise securing the section against
toppling over. Door positioner and detent mechanisms shall incorporate positive
stops to prevent the door from striking or damaging parts mounted on an adjacent
switchboard section or other equipments. Operation of the positioner or
detent mechanism shall be from the front of the switchboard and shall not
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