| ![]() MIL-S-17000N(SH) Designation of parts. Parts, such as transformers, relays,
electron tubes, capacitors, and resistors, shall be identified by markings
adjacent to the part on the chassis or board on which the part is mounted.
Marking shall be that designation assigned in the associated detail schematic
wiring diagram, and shall be clearly and indelibly made as specified in
3.5.12 Wire marking. Except for the locations identified in,
both ends of each and every internal wire shall be marked. Marking on each end
of each wire shall identify the location of both ends of the wire. Color
coding shall not be used as a substitute for wire marking. Marking device shall
be placed on the wire as close as possible to the contact or terminal lug so as
to be easily readable after installation. Markers shall fit snugly over wire
to prevent sliding off over contacts or terminal lugs. Wire markers are not required in the following locations:
(a) Internal wiring of linear movement switches, "T bar" digital
switching panels, and panel mounted assemblies.
(b) Jumpers between terminals on one LS switch "A"' connector where
double contacts are used (see Wire markers on the
harness conductor shall identify the subsequent terminals
jumpered as follows: "PM2HA15/PP60ACE15, CE14, EC14, EC13".
(c) Jumpers between terminals on taper pin blocks (as specified in
requirement 3 of MIL-STD-1657) or terminal junction systems
(as specified in requirement 4 of MIL-STD-1657) when installed
in type IV switchboard back section modules.
(d) Jumpers between terminals on the same terminal board.
(e) Interconnecting harness wiring to connector plugs PA and PB on
digital switching panels (DLS, BLS or T bar) on type VIII
(f) When the connectors require a back shell.
3.5.13 Wire markers. Wire markers shall be white tubing class L in accord-
ance with MIL-I-23053/5 or form U, type F in accordance wtth MIL-I-631. Markings
shall be nonfading, abrasion-resistant black (class 1 in accordance with
MIL-sTD-104) meeting the requirements of MIL-M-81531. Markings shall be applied
to the tubing by a heat process using indelible ink.
3.5.14 Pushbutton assemblies. Where interlocked pushbutton assemblies are
required, pushbuttons shall be mechanically interlocked so that only one button
may be depressed at a time. Each assembly shall have one latching "off" button
having the same electrical contact mechanism as the remaining buttons, so as to
provide remote indication in the "off" position.
3.6 Parts and features - electrical. The following electrical parts and
features are applicable to the switching equipment described herein:
3.6.1 The following requirements of MIL-STD-454 are applicable:
Requirement 2 - Capacitors
Requirement 5 - Soldering (also covers mounting of electrical/
electronic parts) (see 3.6.26)
Requirement 14 Transformers, inductors, and COilS (see 3.6.7)
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