| ![]() MIL-S-17000N(SH)
30.1 Switchboard section frame. A type II switchboard section frame shall
conform to the design shown on the applicable specification sheet (see supple-
ment 1), modified as shown on figure 7.
30.2 Modules. Two modules shall be provided and located as shown on
figure 7. The modules shall be as specified in 30.2.1 and 30.2.2.
30.2.1 Module B shall contain one terminal board (type 7TB12) in accord-
ance with MIL-T-55164/13 and one module connector receptacle in accordance with
MIL-C-28748/9 (part number M28748/09FoNo1A). Weights shall be provided on this
module to simulate 21 type 7TB12 terminal boards, two harness connectors, and
the associated wiring.
30.2.2 Module D shall contain one MS3402D22-14P box mounted connector,
one MS3409D22-14S connector plug, one taper pin block in accordance with
requirement 3 of MIL-sTD-1657, and one module connector receptacle in accord-
ance with MIL-C-28748/9 (part number M28748/09FONOlA). Weights shall be provided
on this module to simulate four MS3402D40-56P and MS3409D40-56S connectors, 15
taper pin blocks, two harness connectors, and the associated wiring.
30.3 Module wiring.
Module wiring shall be in accordance with the
(a) Wiring from the 7TB12 terminal board to the module connector
receptacle shall be installed on module B.
(b) Wiring from the 20 circuits of the taper pin block shall be
installed between the ship and the module connector receptacles
for module D.
(c) For module D, adequate slack shall be left in the wiring to the
taper pin block from the ship connector and the module connector
so that the front panel of the module will be able to swing down
to a 130-degree opening.
30.4 Harness wiring. Flexible harness wiring bundles, containing 312
conductors from each module, shall be installed from modules B and D to the
panel mounted assemblies, and interconnected as shown on figure 8.
30.5 Panel-mounted assemblies. Panel-mounted assemblies listed below shall
be provided and located as shown on figure 7. Panel-mounted assemblies shall be
in accordance with the applicable requirements of MIL-sTD-1657. These panel
assemblies shall be interconnected as shown on figure 8.
One type R3LS4 switch (see 30.7).
One indicator light panel. (Requirement 8)
One meter panel. (Requirement 10)
One relay and fuse panel. (Requirement 6)
One switch potential transformer panel. (Requirement 11)
One dual switch panel. - This panel shall be similar to the snap
switch panel of requirement 18 of MIL-STD-1657 using one type
S3JK3 switch and one type 1SR2E2 switch.
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