| ![]() MIL-S-18471G(AS) Identification, instruction, and marking plates. Identification,
instruction, and marking plates shall be in accordance with MIL-P-514, Composi-
tion A, Class 2; Composition C, or Composition D, as applicable. Unless other-
wise specified in the contract, the color of the plates shall be predominately
black, FED-STD-595 color number 17038, with white lettering. Attachment of
the plates shall be in accordance with MIL-P-514. The colors, finish, and
locations of the plates shall be selected to preclude reflections which inter-
fere with the external field of view or which may distract the aircrewmember(s). Identification of product. Identification marking shall be
in accordance with MIL-STD-130. Nameplates shall be in accordance with MIL-
P-514 requirements for Composition A, Class 2 or Composition C identification
plates and shall contain the following information:
Specification MIL-S-18471G(AS)
National Stock No.
Manufacturer's Part No.
Manufacturer's Serial No.
Contract or Order No.
Manufacturer's Name or Trade Mark
3.1.15 Manufacturing plan. The contractor shall develop, implement, and
maintain a plan for producing the test and demonstration articles required
herein (see 6.2.2). The plan shall assure dherence to the approved escape
system configuration and the production of escape system test articles of
requisite quality.
3.1.16 Foolproofness. Components and subsystems shall be as foolproof
as possible to avoid incorrect assembly which could result in damage, malfunction,
or degraded safety of flight. Turnbuckle and cable ends, cable or actuator-arm
lengths, joints, etc. shall be arranged so that incorrect assembly will be
difficult, if not impossible. Brackets, levers, links, bearings, control rods,
torque arms, and similar parts that can be installed backwards or upside down
shall, whenever practicable, be symmetrical about each of the three axes or
it shall be impossible to install unsymmetrical parts upside down or backwards.
All electrical, fluid, or mechanical connections such as connections for
controls, instrument lines, hydraulic lines, etc., shall be incapable of being
reinstalled incorrectly where such incorrect reinstallation would involve
damage, malfunction, or safety of flight. New parts (originating front a
modification of a common part in the same or other type, model, or series
aircraft) which differ from the original part (in performance specifications
affectinq safety of fliqht or possible injury to personnel) shall be configured
to be non-interchangeable with aircraft other than types, models, or series
which require the same specified performance.
3.1.17 Lifting provisions. The ejection seat assembly shall contain
lifting provisions if hoisting is required during any phase of maintenance.
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