| ![]() MIL-S-18471G{AS)
tuberosities to prevent dynamic overshoot of the aircrewmember. In addition
to meeting the requirements of, cushion and upholstery materials
shall be selected considering the following characteristics:
Moderate elastic compression in all directions over the
specified temperature range consistent with distributing
aircrewmember loads to reduce or eliminate concentrated loads.
Low thermal conductivity.
Adequate porosity or permeability for heat dissipation via
natural ventilation (convection).
Low absorption of liquids.
Minimize occupant sliding.
e. Ejection seat positioning subsystem. The ejection seat positioning
subsystem shall perform as required for an installed life in accordance with and predicated upon at least 20 cycles per fliqht (of which one of every
five cycles shall be full-stroke cycles and the remaining four cycles shall be
short-stroke cycles of one inch length). Ejection seat height adjustment. The ejection seat height adjust-
ment shall accommodate the range of aircrewmembers specified by the aircraft
detail specification. Such adjustment shall be designed to permit all aircrew-
members within the specified population sitting height range to adjust their
eye level to the design eye position. Ejection seat adjustment control. A three-position switch
(momentary ON-OFF-momentary ON type) shall be used. The ejection seat adjustment
control shall be located on the forward right-hand side of the ejection
seat and positioned to preclude injury to the occupant as the ejection seat
position is adjusted. Ejection seat adjustment actuator. The ejection seat
electromechanical actuator shall be in accordance with MIL-A-8064 except that
lubrication practices shall be in accordance with The electrical
power requirements for the ejection seat adjustment actuator shall be compatible
with available aircraft electrical power supply capability. The location and
design of the electrical power supply connection between the ejection seat and
the aircraft shall be in accordance with 3.1.10. Pre-ejection ejection seat positioner. An automatic ejection
seat positioner to relocate the ejection seat front an operational position
to an ejection position, shall be incorporated in ejection seats in those
aircrewmember stations in which the clearances are inadequate to ensure that
the aircrewmember will not strike aircraft structure or fixed equipment during
the escape. The ejection seat positioner shall be capable of positioning the
ejection seat and aircrewmember (wearing full personal flight gear) to the safe
ejection position while subjected to an acceleration of 6.0g's in any direction.
No combination of pre-ejection accelerations and ejection accelerations
shall be injurious to the aircrewmember. The ejection seat shall be retracted
and locked in the ejection position prior to the start of ejection seat
boost. This function shall be performed using a redundant primary means
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